  • 學位論文


Translation and Discussion of "Communism: A History"

指導教授 : 李憲榮博士


摘要 本論文旨在翻譯<> (共產主義史)一書,探討在翻譯本書的過程中如何適當地運用翻譯理論與方法,同時整理出筆者翻譯的心得供讀者參考。 論文共分為七章。第一章為緒論,說明筆者選擇研究本論文主題的動機、目的與方法。第二章簡介本書原作者及內容。第三章為筆者建構之翻譯步驟,說明如何按部就班準備並完成翻譯的任務。第四章為譯文。第五章為翻譯技巧之探討,討論翻譯實踐時必須考慮的面向、因素以及可以採用的方法,因此著重在提供實例予以佐證。第六章為譯文比較,藉由比較其他翻譯版本來檢討筆者譯文之優缺點。第七章結論,提供筆者對翻譯工作的感想及翻譯任務中需注意的事項和建議。


Abstract This thesis is intended to give a Chinese version of Communism: A History translated by the thesis’s author as well as discuss how to apply translation theories and methods appropriately to the translation task. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter I explains why and how this study is conducted, and what aim it is to achieve. Chapter II gives a brief introduction of the original work and its author. Chapter III accounts for, in translating, several steps through which translation task is accomplished. Chapter IV is the Chinese translation of Communism: A History. Chapter V discusses, in translating, what should be taken into consideration, what problems will emerge, and how they can be sorted out. Many examples are provided to discuss the points. In Chapter VI, strengths and weaknesses of the author’s translation are analyzed by comparison and contrast with another translation text. In Chapter VII, suggestions and advice are given here for readers’ reference to help them reach their goals set for their translation tasks.


28. Newmark, Peter. (1988). Approaches to Translation. Eaglewood
Cliffs,N.J.: Prentice Hall International Ltd.
1. 沈蘇儒. <<論信雅達-嚴復翻譯理論研究>>。 台北市:台灣商務印書館,


