  • 學位論文


A Quantification Research on Fake Customer Complaint and Service Recovery —Take Taiwan Nonwoven and its Processing Product Industry as an Example

指導教授 : 曾信超


摘 要 有鑑於本人服務之企業-康那香企業股份有限公司從2007年至2009年,近三年來所接獲顧客偽造抱怨行為案件數有逐年升高之趨勢,加上國內外學者對於顧客偽造抱怨之相關研究鮮少,故本研究將以顧客「偽造」抱怨為前提,來探討台灣不織布及其加工產品產業顧客偽造抱怨型態及其補救方式。故本研究主要的目的是找出台灣不織布及其加工產品產業中,顧客偽造抱怨的動機及種類,並於企業面臨這一群異常顧客時,所選擇服務補救的方式。 由於多數當代對顧客偽造抱怨型態的研究並不多,且針對不織布及其加工產品產業者鮮少,為了能瞭解該產業中顧客偽造抱怨的動機及型態,本研究以分層隨機抽樣抽取該產業中不同服務接觸的企業進行分析,以呈現不同服務接觸下,顧客偽造抱怨型態及其補救方式之選擇。 本研究經統計分析後結果顯示,於台灣不織布及其加工產品產業中,顧客偽造抱怨的動機主要為「偷竊勒索」、「推卸責任加報復」以及「心理情緒」,而在中度服務接觸的企業對於「偷竊勒索」及「推卸責任加報復」之動機有顯著關係,而「心理情緒」動機與服務接觸程度則不相關。在服務補救的方面,依據資料分析結果顯示,該產業中無論「偷竊勒索」及「推責報復」動機,皆以「退款順從補償」為主要首選,在「心理情緒抱怨」則選用「道歉解釋」。 關鍵字:異常顧客;顧客?Q造抱怨;服務接觸;服務補救。


Abstract From Year 2007 to 2009, Kang Na Hsiung Enterprise Co. Ltd, which I am now holding a post, received more and more fake customer complaints, plus few local and international researches on fake customer complaints; that’s why this research is aimed to study fake customer complaints and its recovery in Taiwan nonwoven and its processing product industry, on the premise that customers did fake their complaints. It shall cover customers’ motives and types and enterprise’s recovery measures when facing such aberrant customers. Since current researches on fake customer complaints are deficient, those on Taiwan nonwoven and its processing product industry are even less, in order to understand customers’ motives and types, the research analyzes companies with different service encounter based on delaminating sample survey to present fake customer complaint types and its recovery measures under different service encounter. After statistics analysis, it is reported customers fake their complaints mostly for “blackmail”, “relieving responsibility and revenge,”and “emotional factor.” Among companies with medium service encounter, “blackmail” and “relieving responsibility and revenge” are relevant motives; while “emotional factor” is not relevant with service encounter. With regard to recovery measures, “refund and compensation”is a major move no matter it’s “blackmail” or “relieving responsibility and revenge.” “Apology and explanation” is used to recover “emotional factors.” Keywords: Aberrant customer; customer fake complaint; service encounter; service recovery


