  • 學位論文


Discovering the Expressions of Shallow Space in Painting

指導教授 : 劉文三


本文以限定性空間表現為主軸,利用文獻資料的彙集和實際創作兩個部份來加以探討。藉由環境中生活主題的選擇(建築、船),運用繪畫元素中本有的空間特性,及個人視覺認知營造具有獨特的直覺空間,以達到表現主觀情感的目的。希望在探討之餘,能回頭來檢視繪畫創作本身的問題,進一步使個人的創作歷程及作品可以呈現更為具有表現力與感動。因此本創作論文共分為六個章節,其要點如下: 第一章<緒論>,說明本研究的研究動機及目的,對研究方法與範圍及研究架構加以闡述,並做名詞釋義。 第二章<限定性空間的淵源及其表現>,探討限定性空間的發展,將其構圖風格、形式、內涵與詮釋類型做歸納分析,透過西方藝術之表現吸取經驗,期能轉化為創作的理論基礎。 第三章<繪畫元素與空間的聯繫關係>,從繪畫元素來探討限定性空間的技術層面做分析,如研究說明點線、形狀、質感及色彩等,從文獻畫作中舉出實例應證。 第四章<創作理念與創作實踐>,根據上述研究分析,詳述個人的創作理念與創作表現形式,包括靈感起源、所欲傳達的空間觀念及表現方式,並在實際創作上,探索色彩與造形的繪畫關係。 第五章<作品解析>,就特定作品創作的經歷及所呈現的形式與內容加以分析說明。 第六章<結論>,評估本論文之內容與創作之表現,並提出遇到的某些困境,期求先進們多指教。




The research focused on the discussion of shallow space expressions by using the literatures collection and creations in art. I selected the boats and buildings as the creation subjects. By using the space characteristic of elements of art, and personal optical perception, the goal of creating specific intuitive space to express subjective emotions can be achieved. Through the discussion, I would investigate the main problems which were happened in the process of art creations. By doing this, I can make the personal creation processes and arts more expressed and impressed. The research is divided into six chapters, which were shown as follows. The motivation and goal were described in chapter 1. And the research steps, methods, and range were also be demonstrated. In chapter 2, the background, development and expression of shallow space were discussed. I concluded and analyzed the characteristics, style, form, and content. Through the absorption of western art expressions, I hope it can turn to the basis of creations. In chapter 3, I discussed the technology aspect of shallow space from the elements of art. So I would compare the point, line, shape, texture, and colors from the famous artworks. In chapter 4, according to the analysis of chapter 1, 2, and 3, I described the personal creation of concepts and form in detail, which are including of sources, background, space characteristics, and expression forms. I also discussed the correlations between color and shape on the creations. In chapter 5, I analyzed and illustrated the creations with the experience, content, and expression form. In the last chapter, I would estimate the contents of research and expressions of creation. Here I provided the problems we have met, and I sincerely expected that the advanced will give me some advice.


shallow space


