  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Service Innovation in Retail Sale of Motorcycles Industry-Service Blueprint Approach

指導教授 : 張瑛玿


隨著經濟發展越顯進步,服務業在台灣經濟體系上佔了很大一部分,並成為了重要的一環,然而提供服務創新是企業提升競爭力的方法,在傳統的機車產業也適用;唯有不斷創新服務,才能保有一定的競爭力並脫穎而出,為公司帶來獲利。 國內各機車製造廠商、經銷商,到傳統機車行都不斷的提供新的服務,唯有服務創新與服務科學才能有效提升業者競爭力以及獲利,故本研究以個案公司明陽車業的服務創新、服務藍圖為出發點,希望藉由文獻探討為基礎,透過深度訪談繪製出新顧客服務旅程,進而發現顧客痛點找出服務創新之關鍵,提供服務創新方案,建構出服務藍圖給個案公司做參考,希望藉此服務創新提供顧客滿意度的提升建立雙贏局面,而其命題如下: 一、時常聽到顧客抱怨,維修區及展示區標示不清,然而在空間還有標示不清導致動線過於混亂。 二、運用手機APP軟體讓顧客能即時了解相關的訊息與活動消息,並導入科技設備,設置於服務的前中後,讓科技帶來的方便性能延伸到整體服務面。 三、個案公司的服務透過服務藍圖的自我檢視,讓整體服務流程、服務互動與後台支援系統更加完善,藉此提升顧客滿意度,提供顧客新服務體驗,服務創新不能只依賴過去的方法進行改善。


With the growing economy in Taiwan, the relative share of service industry increases in overall economic product, and serves as a significant role for economic growth. Service innovation has always been a way of being more competitive in modern enterprises, and there is no exception for retail sale of motorcycles industry. Only through continuous innovation, modern companies may win over other practitioners and bring great profit for themselves. Motorcycle Manufacturers, distributors and traditional motorcycle repairing shop in Taiwan bring out innovative service successively, holding the thoughts that service innovation and service science may effectively enhance the competitive capability and brings in profit for company, this research took MingYang company as subject, plotted out the new customer service journey through in-depth interview, and determine the key to service innovation from customer pain points based on literature review. This research provided service innovation alternatives and service blueprint of MingYang as reference for practitioners, with expectations to elevate customer satisfaction and meet customers’ need better. Following results are gained in this research: Complaints from customers about MingYang is maintaining and displaying areas which would make them confused. Also, unclear directions make more confounding. Providing Apps from before-service to after-service with new technology may bring the latest news or events to customers and take good care of the whole service process. The service of case company would make the whole service process, service interaction and website backstage management system more proper through self-viewing service blueprint which can increase customer satisfaction. Providing new service for customer is not only changing method.


任維廉、呂堂榮、林佛諭、蔣子萱(2008)。應用服務藍圖於服務流程管理-以B2B 路線貨運業為例,品質學報,15卷,5期,頁337-351。
