  • 學位論文


A Research on the Public Participate in the Urban Renewal: The case of Lingya District, Kaohsiung, Ctiy

指導教授 : 周士雄
共同指導教授 : 曾志民(Yi-Chun Chiu)


放眼古今中外,每個城市的發展歷程都大同小異,時間久了城市風貌自然更是新舊建物交錯,生活機能不均,公共設施新舊雜陳。近年來先進國家都已積極實踐都市更新,有些甚至已落實到都市再發展、都市再生,例如:英國、美國、日本等國。台灣目前正在努力實踐都市更新中,都市更新條例從民國八十七年十一月十一日獨立於都市計畫法外開始,雖然一路走來,歷經多次修改而使條文趨於完備,然而在都市更新過程中民眾抗爭事件仍層出不窮,例如:文林苑事件。顯示民眾參與都市更新的考量並未充份反映在相關法規中,因此如何找到並排除影響民眾參與都市更新態度因素,乃為當務之急。 本研究為探討影響民眾參與都市更新意願的因素,透過文獻分析及具參與誘因之法令制度的整理做出深度訪談大綱,透過深度訪談結果整理出影響民眾參與意願之因素及南北對都市更新的認知差異,再將彙整出的法令、社會、經濟、文化、情感五個構面共23個因素之影響因子做成問卷,針對高雄市苓雅區內三棟屋齡逾25年大樓及一處逾30年老舊街廓,總計420位房屋及土地所有權人進行問卷調查分析,驗證影響因素是否成立及了解各類填答者對都市更新意願的差異,依據分析結果,進一步探討問題癥結點,並擬定解決策略,盼可促進民眾參與都市更新的意願。 透過本研究驗證結果發現,法令、社會、經濟、文化、情感五個構面均顯著的影響著民眾參與都市更新意願,但是總體的都市更新意願並不強烈,原因在於民眾對於都市更新的資訊不足,了解不夠深;其次為高雄市的房地價格太低,建商無利可圖,不願意參與,民眾的經濟能力又無法獨撐全局;第三,高雄市民偏好透天厝,透天變大樓使其無法接受;最後是高雄市仍有很多空地,腹地很廣,在整合地主不容易的狀況下,無論是建商或地主都會選擇另覓他處,購地重建、直接換屋,所以造成目前高雄市都市更新推動速度緩慢的現況。


民眾參與 都市更新


Throughout the world, the development processes of each city were similar. As time went by, the architecture is an assortment of the old and new; besides, due to the poor living function of the old buildings, including shortage of public facilities. In some advanced countries, such as England, American and Japan, Urban renewal, urban redevelopment and the urban regeneration are currently an important research. The urban renewal practice in Taiwan caused lots of controversies. Urban Renewal Act. has been amended several times, but it’s still has lots of problems, doubts and oppositions such as the event of the Wenlin-Yuan Project. The purposes of this study are to explore the factors of people’s participation in urban renewal. The In-depthInterview Outline were decided through literature analysis and incentive regulation. According to sort out the effects of public willingness to participate in urban renewal and the cognitive differences between the northern and southern parts of Taiwan, there were a questionnaire composed of five aspects and twenty-three possible influence factors. Five aspects are “regulation”, “society”, “economy”, “culture” and “emotion”. The designed questionnaires was used to gather data from the old buildings more than twenty five years and an old block more than thirty years. Furthermore, the questionnaires are distributed to four hundred and twenty practitioners of house and landowners in Kaohsiung City Lingya District. The empirical results are shown that regulation, society, economy, culture and emotion will significant influence public willingness to participate in urban renewal. Furthermore, the overall urban renewal willingness is not strong. The results as follow: 1. Publics don’t have enough information to urban renewal. 2. Construction enterprises unwillingness to participate in the, besides the gaining is very narrow margin or even no profit from project. 3.Most of the Kaohsiung residents prefer detached house than apartment. 4.Kaohsiung City has a wild hinterland, but there are some problems regarding integration between landowners. That’s why there is slow progress of urban renewal in Kaohsiung City.


Public participation Urban renewal


