  • 學位論文


The difference in perceived trustworthiness of nurse between patients and nursing staffs

指導教授 : 陳彩鳳


本研究目的主要探討住院病患對護理人員可信特質之知覺與護理人員自覺可信特質之差異,研究地點為台灣南部一所地區醫院,採結構式問卷,立意取樣,以214位的住院病患及106位護理人員為研究對象,住院病患問卷的回收率為97.2%,護理人員問卷的回收率為93.8%,資料分析依描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析推論兩者在類別變項的差異性,以SPSS為分析工具。 研究結果發現:(一)住院病患對護理人員整體可信特質之知覺顯著高於護理人員自覺之可信特質(t=-3.70,p<.05)。(二)在可信特質之專業責任與個別化護理二構面,住院病患對護理人員之知覺顯著高於護理人員之自覺,「專業責任(t=-4.01,p<.01)」、「個別化護理(t=-2.02,p<.01)」。(三)住院病患之年齡、性別、婚姻、教育程度、住院科別、住院經驗次數對護理人員可信特質之感受不具顯著影響。(四)無宗教信仰的住院病患對護理人員可信特質感受明顯高於有宗教信仰的住院病患(F=2.540,P<.05)。(五)護理人員之年齡、宗教信仰、進階層級、服務年資對自覺可信特質完全沒有影響。(六)已婚的護理人員自覺可信特質顯著高於未婚者之自覺(F=5.416,P<.05)。(七)住院病患感受得分最低的題項與護理人員自覺最不好的題項相同,題項為「能同時關心我的家屬及朋友」及「能及時提供或回應我的需求,不會一直說等一下」。 護理人員在照顧病患住院過程中,依住院病患的個別需求給予專業性的護理,主動關心、傾聽其需要且及時回應病患需求,並能適時關心病患家屬及朋友,才能達到全人、全家的護理照護品質。也建議護理行政主管對臨床護理人員之表現要多給予正向肯定及鼓勵,讓護理人員知道他們的努力,長官及住院病患都有所感受。期望住院病患對護理人員可信特質之知覺與護理人員自覺可信特質感受能趨近一致,讓護病關係更加和諧,以提升照護品質,從而達到護病雙贏的境界。


The purpose of this research is to compare the difference of the characteristic between the patients’ feelings about trustworthiness from the nursing staff and the nursing staff’s self-thought about trustworthiness to the patients. The location is in one of the regional hospitals in southern Taiwan. The structured questionnaire was used on this study from a convenience sample of 214 inpatients and 106 nurses. The overall response rate of the inpatients is 97.2%, and the one of the nurses is 93.8%. The project was analyzed according to descriptive statistics, T-tests and one-way ANOVA to inference the difference between the two groups in categorical variables. This study was tested with the software SPSS(Statistics Package for Social Science). The main findings of this study are as follows: 1.) The inpatients’ feelings about trustworthiness from the nursing staff is obviously higher than the nursing staff’s self-thought about trustworthiness to the patients (t=-3.70, p<.05). 2.) In the two aspects of the professional responsibilities about trustworthiness and the individual nursing care, the patients’ feelings about the nurses is much higher than the nurses’ self-thought about trustworthiness.{the professional responsibilities(t=-4.01,p<.01)}, { the individual nursing care(t=-2.02,p<.01)} 3.) The patients’ ages, sexes, marriages, educations, medical categories and the number of times in the hospital don’t cause any influence on their feelings about trustworthiness from the nurses. 4.) The feelings of the patients with religious belief is higher than those patients without religious belief.(F=2.540,P<.05) 5.) The nurses’ ages, religious belief, social classes and years of work experience don’t cause any influence on their self-thought about trustworthiness at all. 6.) The self-thought of the married nurses is higher than those who are single.(F=5.416,P<.05) 7.) Both the patients and the nursing staff feel the worst about the two topics. The topics are “Concerning about my family as well as my friends.” and “Offering what I need in time without saying that please wait a moment.” When the nurses take care of the inpatients, the nurses have to give the professional individual nursing care to each different kind of patients and show concern actively. Besides, it’s important to listen to what the patients need and to reply their needs. Taking care of the patients and concern about their family and friends are also necessary. This way, the nursing quality on the whole person and the whole family will be the best. We also suggest that nursing administration manager can give the affirmation as well as encourages to the clinical nursing staffs. Let the nurses know the supervisor and the patients will feel their endeavors. Hope that the patients’ feelings about trustworthiness from the nursing staff and the nursing staff’s self-thought about trustworthiness to the patients will achieve consistency. It will let the patients and the nursing staff establish harmonious relations. In addition, improving nursing quality is beneficial for both the patients and the nursing staff.


陳彩鳳(2006).上下屬間的距離對其溝通與信任之影響研究.長榮大學經營管理研究所(未發表博士論文) .台南縣:長榮大學。
