  • 學位論文

國中生到校方式之影響分析 -以台南市四所國中為例

Analysis of the Influence of How Junior Middle School Students Go to School -Taking the Four Middle Schools in Tainan for Examples

指導教授 : 蘇振綱


學生到校環境是交通路段中最為擁擠與危險地段,在政府與教育行政單位極力配合下,設立交通導護及交通義警、各校推廣交通安全宣導、上放學交通路段安排行人與車輛路線規劃,為了使學童生命安全有所保障,本研究將腳踏車、步行、國中生與鄰里環境作個聯繫,瞭解國中生對於使用腳踏車或步行適合之鄰里環境,藉由使用腳踏車或步行的意願問卷調查,推論國中生使用腳踏車或步行適合的鄰里環境的認知,問卷調查中依規律與非規律的運動學童,也就是每天定期使用腳踏車或步行為規律性運動學童,在身體質量指數是否符合標準,青春期的國中生新陳代謝佳但未必建康,若能將運動列為運輸活動裡,必能達到健身與環保兼具。     本研究目的以實證分析各學校之鄰里環境之差異性,提出適合國中生選擇步行或騎乘腳踏車的鄰里環境條件,提供校方對學童選擇到校方式之參考。針對文獻資料分析統整與彙集,透過問卷調查後,進一步了解國中生運具選擇與行為背後之原因,再由各學校背景二手資料分析與問卷調查作結合與比較。提出研究假說後,問卷資料進行實證量化兩者互呼應。 本研究的結論有: 一、鄰里環境與非鄰里環境對家長與學生到校工具之選擇有部分顯著影響。在鄰里環境部分,交叉路口數與國中生選擇由他人接送為正相關,人口密度、商業密度、住宅密度、人行道寬度、道路比例與國中生選擇由他人接送為負相關;在非鄰里環境部分,性別對國中生選擇由他人接送有相關性,機車/汽車持有數與國中生選擇由他人接送為正相關,但腳踏車持有數則無顯著影響。 二、提供校方降低交通事故發生之鄰里環境,有助於學生選擇步行或騎腳踏車之到校方式。本研究歸納國中生到校過程所遭遇交通事故的因素,如:個人因素與實質措施因素,提供校方較有可能發生交通事故原因,其中學生本身問題、駕駛人造成的問題及巷道停車太擁擠此因素是造成交通事故最常發生的原因。


The environment in which the students go to school is the most crowded and dangerous section of the entire city traffic. In order to guarantee the safety of students, with the coordination of the government and education authorities, the traffic guidance and civic police are established; traffic safety publication is promoted in each school; special routes are planned separately for pedestrians and vehicles in the blocks where schools are located when students go to school or return home. This research links bicycles, walking, junior middle school students and the neighborhood together, in order to understand the best way to go to school that matches the neighborhood environment. Surveys are carried out to the willingness of cycling or walking to school to infer the understanding of junior middle school students for choosing the best way to go to school to match the neighborhood environment. Based on questionnaires completed by the students with regular and irregular excising, i.e. cycling or walking to school regularly, this research also investigates if the physique index of the students reaches the standards – the junior middles school students are in puberty, so their metabolism is good, however, their health is another case. The aims of body building and environmental protection shall be achieved at the same time if they could include exercising in the daily transportation activities. The object of this research is analyzing the neighborhood environment differences of different schools with real evidences, putting forward some neighborhood environment conditions that are suitable for students to cycle or walk to school and providing some references for the school. After data collection and analysis and with the help of questionnaires, this research investigates deeper into the reasons for the junior middle school students choose their ways to school, then combines and compares the second-hand data of the school background and the questionnaire results. At last the research hypothesis is brought forward to echo with the questionnaire data. The conclusions of this research are as follow: I.The neighborhood environment has certain influence to the students and their parents when choosing the ways to go to school. The number of crossroads has a positive correlation with the number of students choosing to be taken to and picked up at school (the “Number”). The population density, business density, residence density, width of sidewalk, and road percentage have a negative correlation with the Number. As for the non neighborhood part, sex has a positive correlation with the Number; the number of vehicle owned has a positive correlation with the Number. However, the number of bicycles owned has no remarkable correlation with the Number. II.Providing a good neighborhood environment that can reduce the accident rate is helpful for students to choose to walk or cycle to school. This research also generalizes the reasons of the accidents happen to students on their way to school, such as personal reasons and reasons of substantial measures, which will provide the schools with the knowledge of the reasons that cause the accidents. The reasons of the students themselves, problems with the drivers and crowded lanes with lots of cars parked are the common causes of the accidents.


2. 王怡方(2005),「步行、騎乘腳踏車與推廣健康策略之相關性研究-以台南市學童為例」,國立成功大學交通管理科學研究所碩士論文
1. Ball, K., Bauman, A., Leslie, E. and Owen, N. (2001), Perceived environmental aesthetics and convenience and company are associated with walking for exercise among Australian adults. Preventive Medicine, 33: 434–440.
