  • 學位論文


The feminine mind image of Hua Jian Ji-a research of traditional Chinese painting

指導教授 : 羅振賢


《花間集女性心境意象-水墨創作研究》是紀錄筆者2012年至2016年間的水墨創作作品與創作心得研究。 內容以閨怨詩做為發想源頭,描述女性在閨閣中各式各樣的心境做為主題。將筆者自身經驗和對於當代社會、現代女性心境的觀察。對照最早將閨怨詩集結成冊,唐五代時期的《花間集》文本,擷取相同的意象特徵,歸納出數個閨怨的因果,為創作的研究依據。 整個創作的意念上,筆者以「閨怨」為主。敘述數千年來小小的女子閨閣裡,產生的「怨」,衍生出喜、怒、哀、樂等等心境。從春蠶作繭自縛,直至體會達觀的境界,是筆者創作時的體悟。 全文分成五個部分來敘述,第一章闡述創作動機與目的,以及研究的範圍與方法。第二章文獻探討是文本介紹與閨怨的概述,從文本歷史背景到廣泛的閨怨詩形式與內容,和閨怨相關的藝術創作。第三章是筆者的創作思維與理念,敘述閨怨意象如何轉化於創作,與文本中閨怨意象特徵的分析與意境的呈現。四個創作系列分別是「花間無聲的軀殼」、「花間焦灼的凝視」、「不滿足症候群」、「眾微塵」思考方向的詳細闡述。第四章將創作作品逐一賞析與創作理念和使用媒材加以敘述,最後第五章總結創作心得,與對於未來的展望與省思。


閨怨 花間集 女子心境


The research topic “The feminine mind image of Hua Jian Ji-a research of traditional Chinese painting”, is an analysis of the author’s works from 2012 to 2016. The context emerges from the Chinese The Wife's lament poetry, taking the various kind of feminine mind in the traditional household as a theme. The author compares her own experiences and the observations of modern feminine status of mind with the ancient literature collection - Hua Jian Ji of the Tang and the five dynasties, concludes several consequences of The Wife's lament, as the basis of the research. The main concept of this research is "The Wife's Lament, which describe several thousand years’ feminine lament in a small chamber, and the various status of feminine mind. The research is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, stating the motivation and purpose, scope and materials, methods and procedures. The second chapter is a literature review, from the historical background of the Hua Jian Ji to a broader picture of form and context of "The Wife's lament poetry and as far as related artistic creation of "The Wife's Lament. The third chapter elaborates the author’s concept, describe how the image of "The Wife's Lament is transformed into works, and the presentation of four series of creation: “the soundless body of Hua Jian”, “the anxious gaze of Hua Jian”, “the syndrome of unsatisfied” and “all the little things” . The fourth chapter analysis the author’s works and describes the concepts of creation. The fifth chapter provides a conclusion of creation with the outlook and reflecton to the future.


十八、汪耀進、劉俐 審訂,羅蘭‧巴特 (Roland Barthes)原著,《戀人絮語》
(Fragments d'un discours amoureux),台北:商周出版社
一、漢 鄭元、唐,孔穎達等正義,田博元分段標點:《禮記注疏》,收錄於《十
三經注疏》,台北:國立編譯館主編,新文豐出版公司發行,2001 年
二、漢 許慎、清 段玉裁注:《說文解字注》,臺北:天工書局,1996年
