  • 學位論文


The Effects of Employee Training and Pay on Job Performance of the A Restaurant Groups Employees─The Mediating Roles of Self-Efficacy and Work Motivation

指導教授 : 徐郁茹
共同指導教授 : 丁碧慧(Pi-Hui Ting)


台灣經濟快速發展,國人生活品質提升與飲食習慣的改變,國人在餐飲上的消費型態有極大的轉變,致使餐飲的內容與料理方式有多元化之發展,促使許多餐飲集團紛紛成立。餐飲集團特色之一就是講求服務人員的服務品質,因為有好的服務品質,才能使消費者有賓至如歸的滿意度。要達到卓越的服務品質,服務人員都要經過長時間的訓練才能達成。適當的薪資與福利亦能激發服務人員的服務意識與顧客導向行為。 綜觀國內、外相關文獻,尚未發現以台灣A餐飲集團從業人員為研究對象,並同時以員工訓練、薪酬、自我效能、工作動機與工作績效等構念(contructs)做為主題之研究。為彌補目前文獻之缺口,本研究將以社會交換理論為理論基礎,並將員工訓練與薪酬視為自變項,自我效能與工作動機視為中介變項,而將工作績效視為結果變數,深入分析與檢視這些變數之間的關聯性。


With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy, the enhancement of quality of life, as well as changes in eating habits, the people’s consumption patterns on dining have undergone a great deal of changes. As a consequence, more and more restaurant groups have established and provide a wide range of innovative food, beverage, and cuisine to satisify customers’ a variety of needs. High service quality can lead to customer satisfaction. Thus, many restaurant groups will pay great attentions to their employees’ service quality. To achieve service excellence, employees need to be well-trained and motivated. Pay and benefits can also encourage employees to demonstrate service consciousness and customer-oriented behavior. Having reviewed the domestic and western relevant literature, this study has not found the combination of these constructs (i.e., employee training, pay, self-efficacy, work motivation, and job performance) within one study. To bridge the gap, the social exchange theory will be used as a theoretical base to explain the relationships between these constructs. More specifically, employee training and pay perceptions will be considered as independent variables; sef-efficacy and work motivation will be considered as mediating variables; and job performance will be considered as an outcome variable. Employees who currently work for the A restaurant group will be used as study subjects.


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