  • 學位論文


Benefit Evaluation Model Construction for Miao Li International Mask Festival

指導教授 : 李泳龍


節慶活動已成為各國觀光旅遊的重要資源,結合地方特有人文資源與文化資產所舉辦的活動,不僅可強化當地觀光形象,更能為地方創造經濟效益。然而許多主辦單位僅著眼於經濟效益,卻忽略活動品質與服務水準,導致品質欠佳的活動無法達到原先設定之舉辦目的,更難吸引遊客再次參與及衍生效益。因此本研究回顧有關活動品質、行為意願、遊客滿意度以及活動效益之影響變項等文獻,並應用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model,SEM)嘗試建構「節慶活動效益評估模式」,針對苗栗縣「國際假面藝術節」之到訪遊客為實證對象,運用線性關係模式(LISREL)探討影響節慶活動效益的關鍵因素,並且加以驗證此效益評估模式之配適度與因果關係。有關本研究所獲得成果如下: 1.透過測量模型分析得知,代表活動品質之四項構面以「交通便利性」的代表性最高,其次為「周邊資源與費用」,顯示受訪遊客對於地區所提供之公共設施與相關遊憩資源較為重視。而代表性最低乃為「內容吸引力」構面,但仍對活動品質具有顯著之大效果。活動效益部份,受訪遊客對於此次活動所衍生之效益感受度最高為「地區發展」與「文化紮根」兩項,而對於「經濟效益」構面之感受度最低。 2.透過路徑分析驗證本研究假設結果: (1)「活動品質」對於「遊客滿意度」具有顯著正向影響; (2)「活動品質」對於「行為意願」具有顯著的正向影響; (3)「活動品質」對於「活動效益」不具有顯著的正向影響; (4)「遊客滿意度」對於「行為意願」具有顯著的正向影響; (5)「遊客滿意度」對於「活動效益」具有顯著的負向影響; (6)「行為意願」對於「活動效益」具有顯著的正向影響。 由1.及2.綜合研判,「活動品質」會透過中介變項「遊客滿意度」以及「行為意願」對於「活動效益」產生正向的影響。運用LISREL進行驗證,發現本研究之效益評估模式獲得支持並且能解釋主要變項之間的因果關係。綜合上述顯示當節慶活動主辦單位所提供與活動相關的硬體設施與軟體服務越完善,則遊客在參觀活動之後,所認知的滿意度越高,後續之行為意願會隨之提高,進而促進活動效益的衍生。


Festival has become the important tourism resources in the world. This activity can integrate local peculiar humane resources and culture assets. Not only can strengthen the local image, but also can create economic benefits. However most organizers focus on economic benefits only, but ignore the quality and service. Therefore it will cause difficulty to attract visitors and reparticipate again. This study reviews the related literatures in activity quality, customer behavior, visitor satisfaction and activity benefit. Then we try to build 「festival benefit evaluation model」 with structural equation model. Accordingly Miao Li International Mask Festival are selected as research subject. And we use LISREL to verify appropriating factors of benefit evaluation model and causality. The mains findings of this study summarized on the following: 1. From measure model, “the transportation convenience” represents the highest to activity quality, secondly “the perimeter resource and expense” shows the interviewed visitors comparatively pay more attention to the local facilities provided. And "the content attraction" factor represents the lowest, but still effect the activity quality obviously. Besides the benefits developed by this activity for visitors show two highest items as "the region develop" and “the culture radicate”. However "economic benefit" factor shows the lowest. 2. From the path analysis: (1) Activity quality significantly influences visitor's satisfaction; (2) Activity quality significantly influences the behavior; (3) Activity quality not significantly influences activity benefit; (4) Visitor's satisfaction significantly influences the behavior; (5) Visitor's satisfaction significantly influences by activity benefit; (6) The behavior significantly influences activity benefit. Referring 1. and 2. “activity quality” will influence “activity benefit” via intermediary factor “visitor satisfaction” and “ the behavior”. Using LISREL this study finds benefit evaluation model explaining the cause and effect between main related variables. The activity organizers offer more facility and service, the visitor revisiting activity and satisfaction become higher, Consequently the activity benfits will be realised.




張瀞方(2009)。藝術節慶與城市品牌之關聯性 –「嘉義市國際管樂節」個案分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315171229
