  • 學位論文


Translation and Discussion of the Different Seasons - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文旨在討論筆者翻譯Different Seasons - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption 《四季奇譚–麗塔海渥絲與蕭山克監獄的救贖》的過程中,探討筆者如何運用翻譯理論與方法,和彙整筆者的過程與心得。 本論文分為六章。第一章為緒論,說明筆者寫此論文的動機和目的。第二章為介紹原著作者及內容。第三章為翻譯的步驟,說明筆者的翻譯過程,建構各種步驟並完成翻譯的任務。第四章是譯文。第五章為翻譯實務探討,討論譯者遇到的幾項特殊問題,以及各種翻譯技巧及背景知識。第六章為結論,總結各章重點,提供一些在翻譯上的建議及注意事項。 翻譯本書除讓筆者有學以致用的機會外,希望此次的翻譯,也能對文化的彼此交流作出貢獻。


四季奇譚 譯評


This thesis includes a translated text of Different Seasons - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption and a discussion of theory and methods to the task; it also details the author’s process and conclusion of translating the book. This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter I introduces the background, goals and methodology of this study. Chapter II gives a brief introduction of the author of the book and the book itself. Chapter III gives a thorough account of the entire translation process, including several steps through which translation task is accomplished. Chapter IV is the author’s translation. Chapter V discusses the problems while translating English to Chinese and all the needed techniques and background knowledge. Chapter VI is the conclusion which presents some suggestions based on the author’s experience in translating the book. The translation of the book has provided an excellent opportunity for the author to put translation theory into practice. Hopefully, this translation will give a contribution to the cultural exchange as well.


Different Seasons translated text


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Longman. 1998.
Ellis, Rod. Second Language Acquisition. New York: Oxford
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