  • 學位論文


The analysis of the athletic ability in rugby teams in Liu Hsin High School

指導教授 : 陳金海


本研究目的在探討六信高中橄欖球隊一般運動能力現況分析,以提供國內教練做為訓練指導的參考。本研究以六信高中30位優秀橄欖球選手為研究對象,以7種運動能力測驗項目為研究內容,找出六信高中橄欖球隊一般運動能力的代表性項目,做為教練針對性訓練的重點依據。將橄欖球運動能力測驗資料驗證無誤後,以描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定法、克列耶爾評定法加以進行統計分析。研究結果顯示:一、六信高中橄欖球隊各項一般運動能力現況表現:立定跳遠平均為219公分,50m衝刺平均為6.99秒,一分鐘仰臥起坐平均為40.30下,s型跑平均為5.56秒,折返跑平均為9.92秒,坐姿體前彎平均為27.30公分,12分鐘跑平均為2626.50公尺。二、六信高中橄欖球隊不同位置選手一般運動能力差異性比較:在立定跳遠、50公尺衝刺跑、S 型穿梭障礙跑、折返跑等四項則未達顯著差異,而在一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、12分鐘跑走等三項達到顯著差異,且都是後衛顯著優於前鋒。三、六信高中橄欖球隊選手一般運動能力的評定水準各有優劣,教練可依照上述選手分析評定結果做為訓練參考依據,藉由針對性訓練來提昇整體戰力。


橄欖球 優秀選手 運動能力


The purpose of the research is to explore and analyze the athletic ability in rugby teams in Liu Hsin High School to provide the coaches the way to instruct the players. The objects of study are the 30 superior players in Liu Hsin High School. The content of the research is 7 kinds of athletic ability to find out the Representative projects for the rugby teams in Liu Hsin High School for the coaches to instruct the players. The corrective data will be analyzed in descriptive statistical analysis, Independent sample in t test, and Cliyers equation methods formulation The outcome is as following: 1. the athletic ability of the rugby plyers are excellent. To jump forward is 219 centimeters in average, to run 50 meters takes 6.99 seconds in average, to do sit-ups is 40.30 times in 1 minute, to run in s type takes 5.56 seconds, to turn back to run takes 9.92 seconds, to bend forward in sitting position is 27.30 centimeters, and to run for 12 minutes is in 2626.50 meters in average. 2. The different comparison of the players in the rugby team in Liu Hsin High School do not perform well in jumping forward, to run in 50 meters, to shuttle in obstacle in s type and to turn back to run. But they have excellent performance in doing sit-ups in 1 minute, to bend forward in sitting position and to run in 12 minutes especially the defenders are better. 3. The players in the rugby team compare with the other players have merits and demerits separately. The coaches can instruct their players according the items to improve the performance of the players.


rugby excellent player athletic ability


