  • 學位論文


A Study of Corporation’s Motivation and Benefit Assessment of Corporate Sponsorship

指導教授 : 王瑞生


摘要 企業贊助逐漸成為企業組織行銷的新利器,且其贊助行為對於被贊助者活動之舉辦極為重要。國內運動賽事活動日漸盛行,企業對於運動賽事活動贊助情形亦隨之成長。 本研究目的,乃以企業贊助運動賽事活動之行銷理論,檢視活動與企業贊助結合的效益,作為企業贊助行銷活動經營模式參考。基此,擬藉由本研究對於企業贊助運動賽事活動之動機與考量加以探討,使被贊助單位能更加了解贊助企業之需求。 本研究嘗試以我國職業棒球運動為例,並且以La new熊棒球隊贊助企業品牌為研究對象,以2008年職棒賽季開賽前(贊助前)與開賽後(贊助後)兩階段的問卷施測方式對同一批受測者進行收集資料,探討有關企業贊助運動賽事活動的贊助前與贊助後觀感改變、移轉效果。從調查中得知2008年贊助La new職棒球隊之企業有3家,於2007年10月至2008年7月針對願意配合之學生寄發367份問卷,共得有效問卷334份,並運用t檢定與迴歸分析等統計方法針對所蒐集資料進行驗證假設。 另本研究藉由觀察三個不同產業類型的企業,探討投入贊助後所產生的觀感改變、移轉效果,並且藉由「觀眾對贊助品牌熟悉度」、「觀眾對贊助活動熟悉度」以及「贊助活動與贊助品牌間適切性」來瞭解這些因素是否會對此觀感改變、移轉量有顯著的影響效果。 研究結果顯示:在個別品牌觀感改變量迴歸分析上,La new於贊助前後品牌觀感改變量之效果具有顯著性;在品牌觀感移轉的迴歸模型中,「贊助活動與贊助品牌間適切性」較常出現正向顯著影響結果;而在「觀眾對贊助品牌熟悉度」與「觀眾對贊助活動熟悉度」等議題中,則較常出現負向顯著影響結果。 另本研究分別對贊助企業、活動主辦單位與後續研究者提出些許具體建議,期望能對業界與學術界有所貢獻。


企業贊助 動機 效益評估


Abstract Corporate sponsorship is becoming the new edge tool to marketing gradually and without doubt, the sponsorship plays an important role in the sponsored events. The domestic sport events prevail day by day and this situation definitely stimulates the growth of corporate sponsorship. The objective of this research is aim to provide enterprises / corporations with insights of marketing management through impacts produced by the interactions of marketing promotion theory and benefits of actual practices. Moreover, this research of Corporation’s Motivation and Benefit Assessment of Corporate Sponsorship is designed to empower sponsored enterprises / corporations to realize the needs and demands of sponsoring enterprises / corporations. This research takes Chinese Professional Baseball League as an example and specifically targets at La New Bears. Questionnaires were given out to the same participants before and after La New Bears was being sponsored. The total number of questionnaires given out was 367 (between October, 2007 and July, 2008) and the valid questionnaires were 334, which is 91% in accurate ratio. All the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t test, reliability analysis and so on. In this research, 3 different enterprises / corporations sponsored La New Bears in 2008. The results gathered were used to study the transfer of audience’s viewpoints and the effects of viewpoint transfer towards sponsoring / sponsored corporations. The results were furthermore used to study whether the following factors, such as ‘audience’s familiarity with sponsored brand’, ‘audience’s familiarity with sponsored event’ and ‘product –fit / brand-fit between sponsored event and sponsored brand’, have impacts on the transfer of viewpoints and the significance. The research findings were as follows: The sponsorship brings forth profound impacts on the audience’s viewpoints towards La New Bears; As to viewpoint transfer between brands, ‘product –fit / brand-fit between sponsored event and sponsored brand’ tends to show positive and significant results; However, as to the topics of ‘audience’s familiarity with sponsored brand’ and ‘audience’s familiarity with sponsored events’, the results often turn out to be negative. At the end of this research, suggestions are given respectively to sponsoring enterprises / corporations, event directing unit and prospective researchers, hoping to make some contributions to the industry and academia.


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