  • 學位論文


The Impact of NHI Outpatient Copayment Increase on Patient’s Health-Seeking Behavior

指導教授 : 黃偉堯


背景 就醫行為指的是病人選擇醫院或醫師的一種行為,而小病去大醫院的現象是就醫行為的一種,又稱越級就醫。越級就醫會增加醫療資源耗用,使得醫療費用上升。與越級就醫相反的則是降級就醫,是指病症較嚴重的病患,前往層級較低的醫院就醫。降級就醫影響病人可近性與醫療品質,後續的照顧也會造成健保財務負擔。 全民健保於2005年7月15日提高門診部分負擔,希望藉由加重費用來減少越級就醫行為的現象。然而,當部分負擔訂得太高時,可能會對弱勢族群帶來就醫財務障礙;當部分負擔費用訂得過低時,則可能失去控制醫療服務利用的本意。因此本研究主要目的為探索部分負擔實施後對病患就醫行為的影響。 目的 探討部分負擔提升後,對民眾就醫行為的影響。主要回答以下兩個問題: 1.部分負擔提升後,民眾越級就醫機率是否降低? 2.部分負擔提升後,民眾降級就醫的機率是否不受到影響? 資料來源 本研究資料來源為國衛院所提供的全民健保資料庫,取該資料庫中2005年承保抽樣歸人檔(LHID2005)第一組的2004年與2005年門診處方與治療明細檔,以及2004年與2005年醫事機構基本資料檔(HOSB)。 研究對象 挑選2004.7.15-2004.12.31與2005.7.15-2005.12.31皆有西醫門診就醫紀錄的病人,排除免部分負擔與急診、中醫、牙醫患者。 研究設計 本研究採事前事後配對比較設計,分析單位為病患,探討部分負擔對民眾就醫行為的影響。以病人為分析單位,觀察2005年7月全民健保調整部分負擔後,民眾越級就醫與降級就醫改變的情形。 研究工具 本研究工具主要有兩種分類工具以及兩個就醫行為指標,分類工具上包含了臨床分類軟體Clinical Classifications Software以及吳肖琪與李玉春所發展的分級醫療指標。而在就醫行為上則是透過越級就醫機率與降級就醫機率來當作判定的指標,其中越級就醫的機率為越級就醫的次數/總就醫次數,而降級就醫機率為降級就醫次數/總就醫次數。 研究結果 1.2004下半年越級就醫機率平均為0.0424,2005下半年平均越級就醫機率為0.0339,呈現下降的趨勢。 2.2004下半年降級就醫機率為0.0228,2005下半年降級就醫機率為0.028,呈現上升的趨勢。 結論 部分負擔調高後,民眾越級就醫機率下降,降級就醫機率上升。實施部分負擔的主要目的是想減少小病去大醫院的情形,這部分在整體越級就醫機率上的確有減少的效果,但是在降級就醫機率的部份卻是上升的,且對於女性組群有較大的影響。


National Health Insurance raised outpatient copayment in 2005.7.15, to reduce the upgradeing health-seeking behavior. However, if the copayment is too high, it might cause financial obstacle to the vulnerable groups; if the copayment is too low, it might lost the intention of controlling the medical service. Objectives: To analyze the influences on health-seeking behavior after raising the NHI outpatient copayment, and answer the following two questions: 1. Does the rate of upgrading health-seeking behavior reduce after raising the NHI outpatient copayment? 2. To the downgrading health-seeking behavior affected after raising the NHI outpatient copayment? Data source: The data come from Longitudinal Health Insurance Database 2005 and Registry for contracted medical facilities of National Health Insurance database year 2004 to 2005. Research subjects: The sudject are the patients with clinic medical record in two periods, 2004.7.15 - 2004.12.31 and 2005.7.15 - 2005.12.31, and excluding Chinese medicine patients, dental patients, referral patients, and who don’t pay copayment. Research design: One-Group, Pre-post Experimental Design.The analyzing unit is the patient.This study is observing the changing situation of upgrading health-seeking behavior and downgrading health-seeking behavior after raising NHI outpatient copayment in July, 2005. Research tools: This study uses two classification tools and two health-seeking behavior indicators. The two classification tools include Wu & Lee’s Hierarchical Indicators and Clinical Classification Software. And the two health-seeking behavior indicators are the rate of upgrading health-seeking behavior and downgrading health-seeking behavior. Results: 1.The average rate of patient’s upgrading health-seeking behavior is 0.0424 in the second half of 2004 , which in the second half of 2005 is 0.0339. Therefore, the rate of upgrading health-seeking behavior showing a downward trend. 2.The average rate of patient’s downgrading health-seeking behavior is 0.0228 in the second half of 2004, which in the second half of 2005 is 0.028. Therefore, the rate of downgrading health-seeking behavior showing an upward trend. Conclusion: After National Health Insurance adjusting the outpatient copayment, the rate of upgrading health-seeking behavior decreases and the rate of downgrading health-seeking behavior increases.


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