  • 學位論文


The Discrepancy in Knowledge and Risk Perception among Different Stakeholders on Genetically Modified Foods

指導教授 : 洪慶宜


隨著生物技術的迅速發展,基因改造作物逐漸取代傳統作物成為食品原料,消費大眾對基因改造食品的認知程度需要進一步探討。本研究主要針對四個不同權益關係群體對基因改造食品的知識能力與風險感知進行調查分析。 調查方式採問卷方式,內容包含:(1)對基因改造食品的知識能力;(2)對基因改造食品的風險感知;(3)對基因改造食品的態度;(4)受訪者個人資料。問卷發送政府相關人員、學界專家、產業相關人員,主要透過網際網路尋找與基因改造食品相關單位,以郵寄方式進行發送,分別寄發41、40、41份問卷,回收率分別為41.5%,45%,41.5%。一般消費大眾主要透過特定群體及場合發送,一般消費大眾總回收問卷數1,249份,873份為有效問卷,376份有漏填情形,視為無效,不列入問卷分析。 本研究調查結果發現:(1)四個受訪群體對基因改造食品定義的熟悉度沒有顯著差異,其他問項都有顯著差異(p<0.05),並且一般消費者在知識能力部份所得分數最低,顯示一般消費者對基因改造食品較不熟悉基本的資訊;(2)將五項日常行為進行比較風險分析,一般消費大眾相較於其他專業群體,對基因改造食品的風險感知較高,顯示其低知識/高風險感知的特徵,其他三個專業領域的受訪群體則呈現高知識/低風險的特徵,產業單位受訪者對基因改造食品的風險感知最低,也最為一致;(3)基因改造食品消費考量部分,當基因改造食品有價格較低、營養價值較高及標示清楚等三種利益時,四個受訪群體一致認為標示清楚的基因改造食品較能引起他們的購買意願。 調查結果顯示我政府應加強宣導基因改造食品管理制度及標示規則,提高消費大眾正確知識及信任,可降低消費者對基因改造食品非理性的風險感知。


This study aimed to investigate the differences in the knowledge and the risk perception of genetically modified foods (GMF) among government officers, scholars, industrial professionals, as well as the general consumers. A questionnaire comprised of knowledge testing, comparative risk analysis, acceptability scaling, and respondent information, was used for the investigation. The callback rates of questionnaire for the government officers, scholars and industrial professionals were 41.5%, 45%, and 41.5%, respectively. The general consumers completed a share of 1,249 questionnaires, of which 873 were valid and the rest were invalid and excluded from the analyses. The results showed that the familiarity of the definition of GMF was nonsignificantly different among the four groups of stakeholders, while other questions in the knowledge testing showed significant discrepancies (p<0.05). The fact that the general consumers had the lowest knowledge scores suggests that they have the poorest knowledge of the GMF among the four groups of stakeholders. The comparative risk analyses of GM-soybean milk and four other daily, risky routines revealed that the general consumer perceived GMF riskier than the three professional groups. Being a product of novel, complex technology, GMF characterizes the general consumer as poor knowledge and high perceived risk, while the three professional groups have the characteristics of well knowledge and low perceived risk. Industrial professional had the lowest, and the most consistent perceived risk of GMF. Labeling was the most important consideration to purchase GMF products, in comparing to price and nutritional value. The four stakeholder groups all claimed that the clearer labeling will increase their acceptance of GMF. The study concludes that the government agency should strengthen the advocate of management and labeling regulations of GMF, as well as improving knowledge and trust of general consumers in order to reduce the unreasonable risks associated with GMF.


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