  • 學位論文


The Perspective of Technology Acceptance Model on Using Behavior Intention of College Student in Facebook

指導教授 : 王正華


隨著社群網站的發展已臻成熟,系統的服務也逐漸邁向多元化,更是未來對社會持續產生影響的新傳播媒體,雖然實務上的發展非常迅速,但以大學生為研究對象的文獻並不多,故本研究以大學生為主要研究對象,目的在於瞭解影響大學生使用Facebook的關鍵因素為何。由於Facebook是以資訊科技為基礎所發展的系統,因此,本研究引用Davis的科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)作為大學生使用Facebook的行為理論基礎,並考量社群網站兼具資訊科技和傳播媒體的雙重特性,另外新增媒體豐富度和知覺娛樂性兩項變數,探討其對大學生使用Facebook的影響。 本研究以雪球抽樣的方式來蒐集問卷,最終共回收355份有效問卷,並以AMOS軟體進行結構方程模式的分析,研究結果發現,除了媒體豐富度對使用態度不會直接產生顯著的影響之外,「媒體豐富度」、「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」、「知覺娛樂性」及「使用態度」對行為意圖均具有顯著的影響。此外對於「行為意圖」的影響程度,可依照影響力大小排序為:1.使用態度,2.知覺有用性,3.媒體豐富度,4.知覺娛樂性,5.知覺易用性。由此可知,在社群網站的設計與規劃上,往後須針對影響使用者態度的因素作為考量,以便吸引大學生前來使用。最後,根據研究結果對社群網站業者提供實務建議,以及給予後續研究者參考的方向。


Social networking sites are now fully developed and matured, and system services are gradually becoming more diverse. These sites are a new transmission media that will continue to influence society in the future. Although the development of these sites has been extraordinarily rapid, few studies have examined college students in relationship to the sites. Therefore, this study examined college students as the primary research subject to better understanding the key factors influencing college students in using Facebook. Because Facebook is a system developed using information technology, this study used the technology acceptance model (TAM) suggested by Davis as a theoretical foundation for understanding students’ behavior in using Facebook. In addition, This study explored the dual information technology and transmission media nature of social networking sites. Finally, This study added the variables of media richness and perceived enjoyment to investigate their influence on college students’ use of Facebook. This study used snowball sampling to collect questionnaires. A total of 355 valid questionnaires were collected. This study used AMOS software to perform structural equation modeling analysis. The results indicate that media richness does not significantly influence usage attitudes. However, media richness, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and usage attitudes all significantly influenced behavioral intentions. These variables can be ordered based on their level of influence on behavioral intentions as follows: (1) usage attitudes; (2) perceived usefulness; (3) media richness; (4) perceived enjoyment; and (5) perceived ease of use. This indicates that these factors influence user attitudes and should be considered in future design and planning for social networking sites to attract college students. Finally, This study present practical suggestions based on our results for the operators of social networking sites. This study also provided directions for reference for future researchers.


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