  • 學位論文

以Peter Newmark溝通翻譯法探討A Still Forest Pool兩中譯本

Reviewing Two Chinese Translations of A Still Forest Pool from the Perspective of Newmark's Communicative Translation

指導教授 : 藍月素


摘要 本論文以著名的泰國禪師阿姜查的開示內容A Still Forest Pool一書和臺灣法園編譯群所譯的法園本及曾麗文譯的曾譯本兩本中譯本為研究文本,探討原文文本和兩個中譯本之間的差異,並援引紐馬克的溝通翻譯法作為評論的標準,目的是透過溝通翻譯法,探討兩中譯本的譯文在佛書翻譯上是否適當。 在比較、分析兩個中譯本後,發現兩譯本在名相、字詞、句子、標題、標點符號及偈頌等的翻譯有相當大的差異。整體來說,法園譯本傾向直譯,曾譯本傾向改寫。名相翻譯方面,法園譯本的名相翻譯比曾譯本正確。字詞層面,兩個中譯本都有譯錯或譯文無法讓讀者一目瞭然的情況,但法園譯本比曾譯本更能掌握原文意思,故譯錯的地方比較少。在句子層面,曾譯本對於較複雜句子的處理會比法園譯本好,但也常有改寫原文意思的情況。此外,兩本中譯本都沒有註解、補充說明。曾譯本在書前附有字彙表,不過對名相的解釋有不少錯誤,不能視為有效的翻譯。在標點符號方面,法園譯本較忠於原文,而且用了很多破折號;曾譯本常合併兩句或兩句以上,多用逗號隔開。 南傳佛書翻譯目前尚無人有專書研究,本論文援引紐馬克的溝通翻譯法來探討南傳佛書翻譯,是在這個領域的一個開始。在研究當中,也發現兩中譯本的諸多差異及問題,並且也針對有問題的譯文提出更適當的翻譯;除外,也探討了佛書翻譯研究中很少注意到的標點符號和偈頌翻譯的問題,這是本研究的貢獻。


The thesis focuses on the translation of the book A Still Forest Pool on famous Thai Zen master Ajahn Chah’s teaching by applying the communicative translation approach proposed by Peter Newmark, the research aims to identify the difference between the two translated texts by Fuyuan and by Zeng. The study finds that Fuyuan’s translation tends to use the literal translation method while Zeng opted for the adaptation method in in his translation. Differences between the two translations can be found in terms, phrases, sentences, punctuations and gathas. With regard to terms’ translation, Fuyuan’s translated text is more accurate than Zeng’s. Both translated texts did not translate some words and phrases correctly, but Fuyuan’s translation is more appropriate than Zeng’s. Zeng did a good job in the translation of complicated sentences, but he sometimes rewrote and changed the original text’s meaning. Besides, both translations did not provide notes and additions. AlthoughZeng’s has attached glosses, the explanation of terms in its glosses are inaccurate. As to punctuation, Fuyuan’s text tends to be literally translated by using Em dashes while Zeng’s tends to use the adaptation method by joining two or more than two sentences as a single one, or using a comma to seperate two sentences. Currently, there are no specific stuidies on Hinayāna Buddhist scripture translation, so this thesis can be regarded as a beginning research on Buddhist Scripture translation, and the findings of reviewing the two Chinese translations has provided some suggestions to the translations of Buddhist scripture, particularly on the rendition of punctuation and gatha translation.


