  • 學位論文


Comparison Study of Land Tax Systems between Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 莊義雄


目前台灣土地稅制度分為地價稅、田賦及土地增值稅三種,其中土地增值稅為我國特有之課稅類別,它源自孫文先生為解決土地問題所提出平均地權、漲價歸公的理論,希望能藉此扭轉社會上不勞而獲的現象。因此,台灣土地增值稅之徵收,主要目的並非稅收之考量,而是希望藉由該項稅收之徵收,達成平均地權以防止土地炒作、漲價歸公以期達成地利共享之土地政策目標。 而中國大陸的土地問題乃是於1978年改革開放後才逐步發生。改革開放前中國大陸基本上是採行土地國有制度,土地為國家所有,私人既沒有所有權有沒有使用權。改革開放後,在「放權讓利」的前提下,中國政府雖仍保有土地名義上的所有權,但必須逐步釋出使用權。大陸縣市土地管理部門係依據現行法令以國家代表人身分將國有土地使用權提供使用。這樣出讓方式表面上主要是為了解決大陸財政問題,但其實和中國大陸當局實施經濟體制改革有密不可分的關係。 本項研究即是希望透過比較經濟制度的研究方法,分析兩岸土地稅制度形成及演變的過程,以及目前兩岸土地稅制的現況與差異。同時有鑑於兩岸間學者對土地稅制度的研究與對土地稅制度改革的看法多從學理與總體資料分析。本研究希望能從一個多年從事稅務行政實務工作者的角度,去了解土地稅制度與改革的問題,因此期望透過對實務工作者的問卷調查,了解實務工作者對土地稅制度與未來修法方向的看法,同時希望能對兩岸土地稅制的差異提供相關意見。


The Taiwan land tax system divides into the land value tax(LVT),farmland tax and land value increment tax(LVIT).LVIT is th unique tax category in our country. The theory purpose for solves the land question about the land ownership equalization and rises in prices theory which turns over to the state by Dr. Sun Yet-Hseng. The hope can take advantage of the phenomenon which reverse society attains without effort. Therefore,levying LVIT not main goal for tax revenue,but is hopes achieves the land ownership equalization to prevent the land adventure . But Mainland China land question was the reform and open policy occurs after 1978. Mainland China basically picks the good nationalization of land system before the reform.The land is the country owns all. Personal does not have the property rights and use rights.After the reform, the Chinese government although still held in the land name the property rights under ‘releases authority and lets the advantage’ premise,but must gradually release the right of use.The land management department of county is the basis decrees in effect provides the state-owned land right of use by the national represent.Like this way surface mainly is for solve the mainland finance problem,but actually relations with mainland China authority implementation economic restructuring. This research is that use the approach of comparison economic system to analyzes Taiwan and Mainland China land tax system and the evolution process.As well as the land tax systems present situation and difference. Simultaneously the scholars are many researchs from the scientific theory and the overall Macro-data analysis. This research hope to understands the land tax system and the reform question from a tax affairs official 's angle.Therefore the expect to understood the direct of the laws of land tax system and the future the view by survey. In the same time hoped will be able to provide the related opinion of the land tax systems between Taiwan and Mainland China.



