  • 學位論文

推動「事業單位安全衛生自護制度」或「職業安全衛生管理系統OHSAS 18001」對事業單位之安全衛生績效影響

The Effect of Setting up Voluntary Protection Program or Occupational Health and Safety Assessment System OHSAS 18001 on the Performance of Occupational Safety and Health Management for Organizations

指導教授 : 吳俊德


本研究的目的主要是探討國內事業單位實施行政院勞工委員會推動的事業單位安全衛生自護制度,或通過經濟部工業局輔導的職業安全衛生管理系統(OHSAS 18001)於評鑑認證後,對其職業安全衛生管理績效成果的影響。本研究以問卷調查方式,評估實施二種不同職業安全衛生管理系統的事業單位的職業安全衛生管理績效,此績效評估指標分為主動式(36項)、被動式(21項)及造成巨大經濟損失(10項)等三大類績效評估指標。在研究所得201家事業單位中,實施事業單位安全衛生自護制度有45家、推行OHSAS 18001職業安全衛生管理系統有60家及兩者皆有實施者有71家。將事業單位依其所實施的職業安全衛生管理系統分類,執行事業單位在三大類職業安全衛生管理績效績評估指標是否存在顯著差異進行比較。結果發現通過自護制度評鑑及OHSAS 18001認證的事業單位,在主動式安全衛生績效評估指標中,有22個指標項目存在顯著差異,這些項目主要與下列內容有關:職業安全衛生政策、安全衛生管理規章、危害鑑別與風險評估、勞工作業環境測定結果、減少個人暴露的防護計畫、內部安全衛生稽核、安全衛生委員會成效和具勞工安全衛生專業證照。在被動式安全衛生績效評估指標中,關於各項職災相關指標,虛驚事故的次數、傷害千人率、百萬工時失能傷害頻率、各項事故的綜合災害指數、重大職業傷害的次數等,在不同分類的事業單位間沒有存在顯著差異;僅在員工健康檢查資料項目中,定期健康檢查結果、肝功能、腎功能和聽力功能4項的異常人數的百分比,在事業單位間存在顯著差異。對於事業單位於職業安全衛生管理績效評估造成事業單位巨大經濟損失的績效評估的所有指標中,在不同分類的事業單位間都無顯著差異存在。本研究結果將有助於事業單位對系統化安全衛生管理制度有更加的了解,從而產生更強烈的意願,投入有效的人力和財力等,使其制度能維持並持續提升事業單位的職業安全衛生狀況。對於尚未推行任何系統化安全衛生管理制度的事業單位,此結果可做為其推行系統化安全衛生管理制度之具體參考依據。


The objective of this study is to explore the influence of passing the relevant assessment or certification of Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) established by the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, or Occupational Health and Safety Assessment System (OHSAS 18001) proposed by the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, on the performance of occupational safety and health management for organizations. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the information of the performance of occupational safety and health management for the organziations implementing these two systems. The assessment of the performance of occupational safety and health management for the organizations was based on three indicators which included proactive (36 items) and reactive (21 items) aspects as well as enormous economical loss (10 items). Of 201 organizations recruited in this study, 45 organizations established VPP, 60 organizations certified by OHSAS 18001 and 71 organizations set up the both systems simultaneously. Statistical analyses were carried out to evaluate whether significant differences occurred in the items of three indicators for three types (VPP only, OHSAS 18001only, and both) of organizations. The results showed that 22 items of the proactive indicators had statistically significant differences in these three types of organizations. Theses items were related to policy of occupatinal safety and health, regulation of occupatinal safety and health, risk identification and assessment, results of environmental monitoring, personal protection program, safety and health auditing and performance of safety and health committee. With regarding to rectaive indicators, the items of near-miss, injury rate, disabling frequency rate, frequency-severity indicator (FSI), frequency of serious injury and professional certificates of occupational safety and health did not have any significant difference in the three types of organizations. However, the proportions of abnormal liver and kidney functions and hearing loss were significantly different among the 4 types of organizations. All of the items assciated with the indciator of enormous economical loss were not significantly different among the three types of organizations. The results might motivate an organization to put more manpower and financial resources in maintaining the safety and health management system, subsequently to improve its occupational safety & health conditions. This could also be a tangible reference of implementing a specific occupational safety and health management system for those organizations which have not yet adopted any one of the systems.


1.British Standards Institution (1996) BS 8800 Guide to Occupational health and safety management systems。
2.Health & Safety Execution,(1997) Successful health and safety management HSG 65 2nd 。
3.British Standards Institution (1999) OHSAS 18001 Occupational health and safety management systems Specification。
4.SPSS (2008) SPSS for Windows, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, http://www.spss.com/.
5.行政院勞工委員會 (1998) 事業單位安全衛生自護制度(上)自評申報書,修訂一版;P1~2,P 105~110。


