  • 學位論文

閒置營區再利用之用後評估探討 ─以金門「成功四營區」為例

Post-Occupancy Evaluation discussion of reused deserted military camps—Using Kinmen Cheng Gong Military Camp 4 as an example

指導教授 : 蘇振綱


「閒置空間再利用」一般都被侷限於古蹟或歷史建築,而其再利用方式亦概以藝文展演空間為主,忽略原有建築所背負之歷史故事與意義,而軍事閒置空間更是一個容易被忽略的角落。本研究以金門「成功四營區」為例,以「用後評估」方式探討軍事閒置空間再利用後之成效。 經由研究發現,閒置空間再利用應重視「使用者」之需求,縱於再利用之前有再三規劃,再利用中與後更應反覆檢討,適時修正,以地區特色之結合與地區民眾訴求之融入使能達到「再利用」之目的。 然而,再利用仍須由地方政府機關主導,結合地區特色與民眾共同推動;然而,地方機關往往於再利用後即認同已完成閒置空間之運用,而忽略對於「再利用」後地區民眾之認同與使用度進行追蹤與調查,此將容易形成「再閒置」現象,即管理者對於地方發展之期待與地區民眾期望帶來之實質經濟效益間產生嚴重的落差,而缺少地區民眾支持與參與下,形成「再閒置」現象。另再利用雖以增進地方觀光為前提,但卻不能以吸引「外來遊客」為主導,畢竟空間再利用後,所需的是民眾的使用度與認同度,故唯有結合地區民眾認同前提下,再以引進觀光遊客之發展方向為規劃,方能長久;若僅為吸引觀光客而忽略地區民眾訴求,則亦將因「回客率」影響衍生「再閒置」問題。 另依據本研究得知,閒置空間之再利用並非僅能轉化為藝術文化展演空間,亦或僅是靜態的保留陳展;軍事閒置空間再利用可以是動態的、富教育性與生動性的,如結合地方文化工作者或在地老兵藉以訴說金門戰地的歷史故事為主軸之動線規劃;亦或整合金門地區座落各處之軍事閒置空間,結合軍事愛好者或生存遊戲愛好者,以展現當年軍事對抗方式,讓軍事設施再次顯現其功能,如此亦可增進地方觀光人潮與周邊商品等之經濟發展,增加地方商業活動;亦或結合地方文化與特色,強化軍事閒置空間之多元性,如坑道儲酒場所、碉堡咖啡屋或餐廳等。


再利用 用後評估 軍事營區


“Adaptive Reuse of Deserted Spaces” is usually limited to monuments or historic buildings, and their reuse methods were mainly for art performances or exhibitions, neglecting the historical stories and meanings that the building carried; military deserted spaces are corners that are neglected even more easily. This research uses Kinmen’s “Cheng Gong Military Camp 4” as an example, and uses the “Post-Occupancy Evaluation” method to discuss the effectiveness of military deserted space reuse. From this research we discovered that the adaptive reuse of deserted spaces should focus on the needs of the “users”, even though it was carefully planned again and again before the reuse, it should be reviewed over and over again during and after the reuse, and make suitable modifications to achieve the goal of “Reuse” by combining the regional characteristics and the aspirations of the people in the region. Yet, reuse still needs to be led by local government authorities and pushed together with the combined regional characteristics and people; however, local authorities usually think that application of deserted spaces are completed after the reuse, and neglected the identification of the “reused” region’s people and perform tracking and investigation of the usage level, which easily causes the phenomenon of “re-deserted”; which means that the expectation of the manager towards the regional development greatly differs from the substantial economic benefits that the people in the region hopes that it will bring, and causes the “re-deserted” phenomenon. Also, although reuse uses increases local tourism as a premise, it can’t use attracting “foreign tourists” as the lead; after all, after the spaces have been reused, what they need is the local people’s usage and identification, therefore the only long-term plan is to use combining the regional public’s identification as a premise, and then introduce foreign tourists as the development direction for planning; if it’s only for attracting tourists and neglected the demands of the local public, “re-deserted” problems will form due to the effects of the “back-off rate”. Another thing that we realized according to this research is that the reuse of deserted spaces is not limited to transforming into art and culture exhibition spaces, or only static reserve exhibits; the reuse of deserted military space can be active, educational and vivid, if they are planned by combining local cultural workers or local elderly soldiers describing historical stories of Kinmen’s war zone as the dynamic line of the spindle; or they integrate the many deserted military spaces of Kinmen, combined with military enthusiasts or survival game enthusiasts, and display the military confrontation methods used back then, allowing military facilities to again show their functions, these can also increase the regional tourist crowds and the economic development of merchandise, and increase the regional business activities; or also by combining the regional culture and characteristics and enhance the diversity of deserted military spaces, such as tunnel wine storage sites, bunker cafés or restaurants etc.


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