  • 學位論文


A Study of paper industry Organizational Innovation in Taiwan-dual core and ambidextrous Perspective

指導教授 : 莊立民
共同指導教授 : 蔡明田


台灣目前的經濟發展正受到「雁行理論」的影響,產業面臨外移或根留台灣的兩難決策。且國內造紙業由於所需原料紙漿及廢紙供應不足,大多仰賴國外進口,導致成本偏高,喪失國際競爭力。 多年來台灣造紙業者持續追求技術與管理上的創新,及相關產業的整合或策略聯盟,此將有助於避免市場削價惡性競爭,提昇規模經濟,更有利於臺灣造紙業國際競爭力的提昇。 本研究擬以台灣造紙產業為研究對象,建構台灣造紙業組織創新衡量模式,進行「組織創新」、「技術創新」、「管理創新」對各項指標間之關聯性研究,以瞭解上述因素對企業組織創新的影響,進而作為國內企業進行組織創新管理規劃之參考依據。本研究運用問卷調查,敘述性統計、因素分析、信效度分析、專家訪談、層級分析法(AHP)、z轉換、矩陣分析、迴歸分析等研究方法,歸納研究結論為: 1.在研究中發現不論是學術界或企業界之專家皆認為,「組織創新」主要構面中以「技術創新」重要程度高於「管理創新」。 2.在實證分析上,本研究發現企業對「組織創新」指標重視程度與指標的實施程度具有高度正相關,但仍有許多重視的構面與指標,在實務上並未達到理想,仍有相當的改善空間。 3.依據實證分析台灣造紙業,對「技術創新」之次要構面「產品創新」與「製程創新」執行程度與重視程度為最高,對「管理創新」之次要構面「策略創新」執行程度與重視程度次之,但對「管理創新」之次要構面「行銷創新」執行程度與重視程度為最低。 4.台灣造紙業的公司組織結構大多屬於機械式組織,其組織結構為較高正式化與集權化,依據雙核心及雙邊俱利之觀點,其論點為:有機式組織有助「技術創新」之起始,機械式組織有助於「管理創新」之執行,台灣造紙業在進行「管理創新」執行階段,應可充分掌握組織資源進行「策略創新」,對於「行銷創新」應與「產品創新」整合,可適度調整組織結構縮短產品開發時效;並應重視「行銷創新」所帶來效益,擺脫以生產為導向競爭策略。


At present, Taiwan economic development is affected by the “IPLC” model. It causes the industries face a difficult choice, which is to leave or stay in Taiwan. However, the raw material is in short supply in Taiwan paper industry and usually relies on the import. For the reason, the cost is getting high and losing the International competitiveness. For many years, Taiwan paper industry has continued to pursue innovation of the technical and the management, and the related industry conformity or the strategy alliance. These ways will be helpful to avoid the fatal competition of discounting in the market, and promote the economies of scale and the International competitiveness. The study focuses on Taiwan paper industry and constructs the measuring model of organizational innovation for the industry. In order to understand how the factors affect the organization innovation and be the guidelines for improving innovation management plan and the execution, the study focuses on “organization innovation”、“technical innovation”, and “management innovation” to carry out the relation study of each indicator. Through the use of surveys, descriptive statistic, factor analysis, reliability analysis, expert discussion, AHP, z-transformation, matrix analytical method, regression analysis, the conclusions of this study are: 1.All experts claim that the technical innovation is more important than the management innovation. 2.In the study, importance and administration of the organization innovation are positive related obviously. However, there are still some important indicators that show undesirability in the reality. Thus, the industry should improve the problems. 3.In the study, the importance and administration of production innovation and process innovation are the highest and strategic innovation secondarily. On the contrary, the importance and administration of marketing innovation is the lowest. 4.The Taiwan paper industry’s company organizational structure mostly belongs to the mechanical type organization. Its organizational structure is more official and the centralization. According to the dual-core model and ambidextrous model perspectives, the argument is: The organic organization is helpful for technical innovation, the mechanical type organization to be helpful for management innovation. When Taiwan paper industry is on the stage of management innovation, it should be possible to grasp fully the organization resources to carry on the strategy innovation. Regarding the marketing innovation, it should integrate with the product innovation and adjusts the organizational structure moderately to reduce the time of product development. In addition, the paper industry should emphasis the benefit that come from marketing innovation, and gets rid of product-oriented competition strategy.


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