  • 學位論文


A Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol with Privacy protection

指導教授 : 張智超


無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)近年來已經成為一個很熱門的研究主題,由於其成本低廉、體積小、可儲存不少資料,所以應用的範圍相當的廣泛。然而,其獨特的可識別性和非接觸可讀性,也帶來了新的問題。本研究解決RFID系統設計被追蹤性的問題,並希望設計新的資料交換協定來解決問題。在本文中,我們提出一套資料認證協定來運行,達成降低標籤被追蹤的機會並且同時相互驗證。


Recently, many aspects of the security in RFID systems has become a subject of prime attention. RFID technology has been applied heavily for its small size, low cost, and ability to stores large amounts of data. However, the features in RFID technology, such as unique identification and out-of-sight readability, can also bring about some security concerns. In this thesis, we address the tracking issue of RFID tags and propose a protocol to perform authentication while preserving the privacy of its user.


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