  • 學位論文


Research on the Employment of Knowledge Community Systems: A Case Study of a Private University

指導教授 : 吳明泉


由於知識管理的日益重要,許多組織都在內部設立知識分享(Knowledge Sharing)的社群系統。然在雲端服務(Cloud Services)的風潮下,許多網站 (例如Facebook、Twitter等等)已成最為風行的公用社群服務,也具備知識分享與社交關係管理的功能,似乎足以取代組織內部的社群系統。然而後者應也有前者無可取代的價值,如何體認這些價值,與外在社群網站競爭或整合,成為組織知識管理的重要課題。 本研究嘗試以某私立大學內部知識社群系統為例,藉由收集該系統使用數據及問卷調查的方式,來瞭解使用者對於此系統的使用情形,進而探討影響使用的因素。 本研究結果發現:目前系統使用率偏低,且由使用者需求建立的社群也偏少。相較於臉書等外界系統,除安全性及介面使用外,使用者對該系統多數特性僅低度滿意及肯定。而使用行為與環境因素、系統特性及使用動機等三項變數皆呈中度到低度正向相關。本研究結果可作為該校改善系統運用參考,其他亟需知識管理的組織也可參考運用。


Due to the increasing importance of knowledge management, many organizations have established internal knowledge-sharing community systems. However, in the trend of Cloud Computing, many popular social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, are becoming alternate services for organization knowledge management. Whether the internal knowledge management systems should be substituted or how its system value should be realized has become an important issue? This research attempts to look at an internal knowledge community system in a private university by analyzing system usage data and conducting a questionnaire to its system users to find out their acceptance, and factors affecting system usage. The result has shown that its system usage is relatively low and most user groups are not built because of users’ needs. User’s acceptance and satisfaction to the system features are also relatively low except for data security and interface usability compared to public resources such as Facebook. The three variables, motivation, system features and environmental factors are positively correlated with system behaviors in a slight to medium way. The result can provide the institute for its system improvement It can also be a valuable reference for other organizations for implementing knowledge management systems.


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