  • 學位論文


Study on Exposure to Asbestos for Workers in Asbestos-utilizing Relevant Operations

指導教授 : 許憲呈


研究目的:本研究對石綿使用行業之勞工,以現場訪視及暴露採樣方式,進行作業勞工石綿的暴露評估,以瞭解不同作業勞工的暴露狀況,據以訂定適合該行業作業勞工的健康危害預防對策。 研究方法:研究中對石綿使用行作業環境中可能存在的石綿暴露和潛在的健康危害進行文獻回顧,實施作業環境現場訪視,擬定作業環境監測計畫和進行作業環境和勞工石綿暴露採樣。本研究共完成10家現場訪視,及採集111個樣本,所採集樣本以位相差顯微鏡進行分析。 研究結果:從石綿使用行業勞工作業環境的測定結果顯示,煞車來令製造廠的作業勞工的石綿暴露測定平均值(0.01665 fiber / cm3)均低於我國法定的容許暴露濃度(0.15 fiber / cm3),煞車來令製造廠作業勞工的石綿暴露符合法令標準,但有少數作業勞工的石綿暴露測定值(0.1479 fiber / cm3)接近於於我國的石綿容許暴露濃度,應注意可能有過度暴露引發健康危害風險問題。 結論:本研究對石綿使用行業勞工進行石綿暴露測定,得以掌握不同作業勞工的石綿暴露的暴露實態,推估其暴露危害風險,對於有較高暴露危害風險的作業勞工(混料,初坯熱壓以及研磨),應優先執行暴露控制改善,降低其暴露風險。同時也對這些勞工,推廣相關暴露危害預防知識,加強勞工自我保護意識,以確保作業環境的安全健康無虞。 關鍵字:石綿ヽ煞車來令ヽ暴露測定ヽ石綿使用


Purposes: This research try to assess the asbestos exposure of workers in asbestos using industries by on-site visits and exposure sampling and try to understand the workers’ exposure in different operations and to formulate a s health risk prevention countermeasure policy that are suitable for workers in this industry. Methods: In this study, we try to explore the exposure of hazardous substances and the potential health hazards in the manufacturing environment using asbestos by articles review and on-site visits. We conducted the planes of workplace monitoring and to carry out the personal and area sampling of hazardous substances. In this study, 10 field trips were completed and 111 samples were collected. The samples were analyzed by phase contrast microscope. Results: The results showed that the average concentrations of asbestos (0,01665 fiber / cm3) were below the legally permissible limits(0.15 fiber / cm3) among workers of brake pads manufacturing factories . The results showed the exposure in accordance with legal standards for these morkers. But the asbestos concentrations (0.1479 fiber / cm3) of some workers’ exposure were close to the legally permissible limits. That may cause health hazard risk because of excessive exposure. Conclusions: The measurement of hazard substances exposure of workers using asbestos can understand the exposure status of workers who were exposed to hazardous substances in different occupations and estimate the risk of exposure. The mixing and grinding workplace sof workers with higher exposure risk should carry out the improvement of exposure control and reduce their exposure risks. These workers should be also educated about the knowledge of prevention of exposure hazards and the awareness of self-protection and ensure to have workplace safety and health. Keywords: Asbestos, Brake Pads, Worker Exposure, Asbestos-utilizing


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