  • 學位論文


A study of the relationships between psychological contract breach and violation- Person-Organization Fit and Organizational Trust perspective

指導教授 : 陳冠浤


近年來心理契約的研究逐漸受到重視,許多學者投入心理契約的研究領域,但多將焦點放置於員工心理契約被違反或違背後對公司產生的負面影響。針對心理契約違反受到哪些因素的影響,相關的理論與實證研究相對不足。 本研究藉由相關文獻蒐集,提出個人-組織契合此變數,試圖將此變數置於心理契約之前因,推論其與心理契約違反之關係。事實上,心理契約內容的建構是非常個體主觀的,了解員工知覺的個人與組織契合度是否會影響心理契約違反的程度,此值得深入研究。 因為心理契約主觀的特性,因此契約內容會受到個人對訊息解讀不同而影響。雇主雖然承諾相同的契約內容,但卻會因不同員工對內容解讀不同而有所差異。有研究顯示,當員工產生心理契約違反的知覺卻不一定會有心理契約違背之情緒反應。在這影響歷程中將受到員工解釋歸因的干擾,本研究提出調節變數:「組織信任」,推論並實證分析此變數對心理契約違反到心理契約違背影響歷程之調節效果。 本研究經由紙本及網路問卷兩種管道蒐集資料,共獲得360 筆有效樣本。研究結果發現:個人-組織契合對心理契約違反的影響效果呈現部份成立;心理契約違反對心理契約違背的影響效果亦部分成立;組織信任對心理契約違反與心理契約違背間的調節效果亦部份成立;心理契約違反在個人-組織契合與心理契約違背間則具有顯著的中介效果。根據研究結果本研究提出幾點研究建議與管理建議,以利學界後續延伸研究探討,並供業界參考以提高管理有效性。


Most of psychological contract researches focus on the negative effect of employee behavior after their psychological contract has been breached. However, the researches that discuss the factors that influence the psychological contract are far from sufficient. Thus, this study proposed that the variable “Personal-Organization Fit” is the factor that has influence on psychological contract, and discusses the relationship between Personal-Organization Fit and Psychological Contract Breach. This study examines how person-organization fit affects employees' perceptions about how their psychological contract has been breached by their organization, and whether this perception would cause employees to experience the feelings of contract violation or not. Besides, in this study, a distinction was made between contract breach and contract violation, and a model was developed to depict the process of how an individual moves from perceiving a contract breach to experience a contract violation, and which has effect on attitudes and behaviors. We proposed the variable “organization trust” as an Evaluative process variable, which can moderate the strength of the relationship between contract breach and violation. Data were obtained 360 samples sourcing from internet web-based questionnaires and hard-copy questionnaires. In the antecedent analysis of psychological contract breach, the results show that the prediction of person-organization fit is significantly and negatively related to psychological contract breach. In addition, the effect analysis between psychological contract breach and violation shows that psychological contract breach is significantly and positively related to psychological contract violation. In the moderating effect of organization trust, the result shows that organization trust is significantly moderated by the effect of psychological contract breach and violation. Make the propositions, future research could follow this structure to investigate in practice and the managers could more understand what their employee focus on based on the study.


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