  • 學位論文


The Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Recovery on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

指導教授 : 劉于詮
共同指導教授 : 吳柏翰(Bo-Han Wu)


研究背景:探討離心性運動後進行振動伸展與靜態伸展對肌肉損傷程度之影響。研究方法:24名受試者隨機分派至振動伸展組 (vibration training; VT; n=8)、靜態伸展組 (static extension; SE; n=8) 與控制組 (control; Con; n=8),所有受試者在試驗前進行最大心跳率 (maximal heart rate, HRmax)分析,然後進行85%最大保留心跳率之下坡跑30分鐘,跑步結束後VT組進行振動伸展 (50 Hz, 9 min)、SE組進行靜態伸展 (9 min),而CON組不進行任何處理,受試者在運動前與後24、48、72小時皆檢測其自覺肌肉疼痛指數 (visual analogue scale, VAS)、關節活動度 (range of motion, ROM),並分析血液中乳酸脫氫酶 (lactate dehydrogenase, LDH) 與肌酸激酶 (creatine kinase, CK) 的活性。實驗結果以混合設計二因子(伸展方式×時間)變異數分析 (ANOVA)分析伸展方式與肌肉損傷程度指標間之差異,顯著水準定為α< .05。結果:離心運動後24與48小時,VT組的CK值顯著低於CON組,但SE組與CON組之間並無顯著差異存在。此外,LDH分析結果顯示,離心運動後24小時,VT組的LDH值皆顯著低於CON組,但SE組與CON組之間並無顯著差異存在,而VAS的結果顯示,離心運動後24與48小時,VT組VAS值顯著低於CON組。結論:本研究發現離心運動後進行振動伸展恢復可降低離心運動後肌肉損傷程度,但是僅進行靜態伸展效果不顯著。


Purpose: This study investigated the effects of vibration and static stretching on muscle damage following eccentric exercise. Methods: Twenty-four subjects are assigned randomly into three groups: vibration training (VT, n=8), static extension (SE, n=8) and control (CON, n=8) and measured the maximal heart rate. After eccentric exercise (85% maximal heart rate for 30 min), VT group performed vibration and static stretching (50 Hz, 9 min) and SE performed static extension for 9 min respectively. Perceived muscle soreness (VAS), Range of motion (ROM) and serum levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK) of subjects were measured before and after eccentric exercise. Data was analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (group versus time) with repeated measurement. Statistical significance was set at α< .05. Results: After eccentric exercise 24 and 48 hours, the CK concentrations of VT were significantly lower than of CON, but there were no difference evidenced between SE and CON. After eccentric exercise 24 hours, SE didn’t decrease the LDH level but VT did when compared with CON. In addition, after eccentric exercise 24 and 48 hours, the VAS levels of VT were significantly lower than of CON. Conclusion: The findings suggested that static stretching with whole body vibration could attenuate muscle damage following eccentric exercise, in addition, the improvement of VT on DOMS was better than SE.


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