  • 學位論文


Application of the Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Operation Performances of Military Police Corps

指導教授 : 王正華
共同指導教授 : 王昭卿


本研究使用資料包絡分析法,依據相關文獻,分析與歸納出較常使用之績效指標為指標建構的依據。以學術研究評估國防部憲兵司令部所屬地區憲兵隊工作績效,針對憲兵軍、司法警察勤務,刑案偵辦及查緝逃兵工作績效,研究取樣採用民國95年至97年等三年平均資料,採用三個投入變數(人員維持費、軍事投資及作業維持費)及二個產出變數(刑案偵辦件數、查緝逃兵件數) 實施評估。本研究目的在於發展適當的評估模式,透過技術效率、純技術效率及規模效率等分析,來建立一套適用於各地區憲兵隊工作績效評估模式,並就評估結果提出改善建議,以提供憲兵司令部及相關訓練單位管理參考。 本研究顯示,在CCR模式的21個受評單位中,有達整體效率的單位計有6個其餘15個受評單位的整體效率需要加強改善;另BCC模式中達整體效率的單位計有13個,其餘8個受評單位的整體效率需要加強改善。 研究結果有助於改善現行工作績效評核方式,另外可協助各憲兵隊具體改善效率的方法,並著重於資源配置、目標設定等,以提昇相對效率值。


In this study, using data envelopment analysis(DEA), based on related literature, analysis and summary of the more frequently used indicators of performance indicators for the construction of the basis. Analysis of the Department of Defense and the Military Police Command of the district gendarmerie command their forces against the military police, judicial police service, criminal investigation and the investigation deserters performance, the study used in 95 years to 97 years, such as a three-year average data, using three input variables (maintenance personnel, and military investment and operating maintenance costs) and two output variables (the number of criminal investigation, investigation deserters number) to implement the assessment. The purpose of this study to assess the development of appropriate models, through the provision of technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency analysis, to establish a set of regions for the performance assessment model gendarmerie, and the results of the assessment and make recommendations for improvement to provide a Military Police Command and related management training unit reference. This study shows that in the CCR model by 21 decision-making units, the overall efficiency of the unit include the remaining six by 15 Decision-making units needs to be strengthened to improve the overall efficiency; another BCC mode, the overall efficiency of the units are 13 months, and the remaining eight by the assessment unit to improve the overall efficiency of the need to strengthen. The results help to improve the performance of existing assessment methods, and the military police to help improve the efficiency of specific and focused on the allocation of resources, goal setting, so as to enhance the value of the relative efficiency.


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