  • 學位論文


The style of the movement and silence in chinese landscape paintings research

指導教授 : 高從晏


摘要 本文旨在將「動靜」風貌應用於水墨山水畫之創作研究。試從探討《周易》之宇宙觀及萬物原有之陰陽、剛柔、動靜的相對性思想,分析它對中國繪畫美學範疇所產生的影響,進而構築自我的創作理念,並藉由理論的建構與創作實踐之驗證,修正並完成水墨動靜風貌之創作研究。 本論文共分為五章。重點概述如下:第一章為緒論,分別為研究動機與目地、研究方法與範圍、前人之相關重要研究等,分析闡述本創作研究的重點與預期達成之目標。第二章探索創作理論上的思想源起與發展,針對關於「動靜」思維在文獻學理上的論述與發展背景加以分析討論,並透過檢視解析歷代相關圖像作品,印證此一思維模式,對畫面中形式構圖與形象面貌之影響。第三章從探討動靜意境的美感與藝術特質著手,藉由創作理念的闡述與學理基礎的分析,進而能融合「動、靜」所建構之美學思維,並將此一心得,結合個人的創作經驗,將動靜圖象形式之表現技法,應用在創作實踐上及在媒材元素的驅遣上。第四章則為創作品之實踐與解析,將筆者學習歷程及研究期間之創作品各階段創作概述,再從本創作研究中,挑選七件系列作品,分從創作理念、學理基礎、內容形式、材料技法、總體表現等五個層面加以解析。第五章則為創作研究之心得與結論,以及後續創作方向之期望與理念的省思。 創作研究心得與收獲如下幾點: 一、藉由重新審思傳統繪畫美學,將其思想、經驗加以內化,有助於澄清思慮,構築出屬於個人的美學觀與創作理念。 二、分析前人創作之圖像意涵,則可以解開形象窠臼的束縛,建構出深具個人特色之創作風格。 三、創作實踐過程的省思、歸納、整理及沉澱,得以焠煉出創作者的內涵性,並從實務驗證中,開創多元的創作風貌。 後續創作研究發展方向: 藉此階段創作研究實踐過程的體驗,使筆者領悟到,將視覺的、心理的與冥想的意象轉化成可感知的形式,必須提昇自我對生命本質認識的深度,建構個人的哲學思維,擴展個人心靈視野的廣度,廣納各種藝術創作之新元素,從生活中去體驗、感受生命的張力,分析形象中所表達的內涵,將物象與心意以和諧圓融的方式共構,才能創作出符合自我風格的水墨繪畫。 在未來創作發展方向上,將以動靜風貌之研究心得為基礎,透過心靈的直覺與媒材、作品作對話,朝向多元性風貌之題材與多樣性媒材的發展;並藉由水墨自由、悠遊、奔放的本質精神,嘗試探索其面貌再開發之可能性,進而發展出具備表現空間豐富,創作內涵多元且深具特色的個人藝術語言。如此一來,筆者才能延續與拓展屬於自我的藝術生命。


水墨畫 動靜 風貌


The style of the movement and silence in chinese landscape paintings research abstract This article will be for the purpose of “the sound of something astir” the style applying creation research in the water ink drawing Tries from to discuss "the Book of Change" to refer to the myriad things original masculine and feminine elements, hard and soft, the sound of something astir relativity thought. Analyze the influence of the Chinese drawing esthetics category, and then construct the self-creation idea. And because of the theory of confirmation, construction and creation practice. Correct and finish the style of the water ink creation research. The paper altogether divides into five chapters. The key points as followings: The first chapter is the introduction of the motivation and goal of the research, the way of study and scope, correlation of predecessor’s important research and so on. Thus, to analysis this research with the key points and the anticipate goals. The second chapter explores the source and the development of thinking. In view of the thought analyzes the discussion about “the sound of something astir” in the literature scientific theory elaboration and the development background. And penetrates the inspection all previous dynasties related image work to verify the mfluence of this thinking mode on the form and the appearance of work images. The third chapter begins from the discussion sound of something astir ideal condition esthetic sense and the characteristic of arts. With the creation and the foundation of scientific theory analysis, it can fuse the thought of the construction. And use the broader image and the individual creative experience to the creative practice and the elements of media. The fourth chapter is the work of the creative practice and analysis. Summarize every step of author’s work and study, and choose seven series works to analysis from the creation of idea, scientific theory foundation, form of content, material technique, overall performance and so on. Fifth chapter thinks for the conclusion and the province of creative reserches,and it is as well about the expectation ideal thought of following works. After comprehending the study of theory and the creative practice alternately, it turns over to list following several arguments and thinking as well as the following direction of creative research: First, by rethinking the traditional drawing esthetics, it can internalize the thinking and the experience; it also helps clarify the consideration to construct the creation belonging to individual esthetics views and ideas。 Second, analyze charts of the predecessors’ creations may untie the image fetter of stereotype, thus, it constructs individual characteristic creation style. Third, the creative process of thinking, the induction, the reorganization and the precipitation, it can build up the creator's connotation; it also can create the multi-dimensional style from the practical confirmation. The development and direction of the following creation research: Take advantage of the experience of the creative research practice process, it makes author to comprehend that it can turn the vision, the psychology with the image to the form of sensation. It must promote the depth which knew to the life essence, constructs individual philosophy thought, expands individual mind field of vision the breadth. It consists of plants the artistic creation the new element, experiences, the feeling life density from the life, the connotation which in the analysis image expresses, altogether constructs the physical image and the regard by the harmonious circle friendly way, it can create conforms to the self-style water ink drawing. The creation and the development of direction in the future, research attainment take the sound of something astir style as the foundation, the penetration mind intuition and the intermediary material, the work makes the dialogue, it will face the theme and the multiple intermediary material the polytrophic style development; And because of the freedom of landscape painting spirit, the attempt explores possibility of its appearance development, then develops the performance space to be rich, creation connotation multi-dimensional also deep characteristic individual artistic language. Then, the author can continue and broaden the self-artistic life.


chinese landscape movement and silence style




