  • 學位論文


The theological controversy over pastoral letter issued by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan concerning the same sex marriage and its impact on local congregations and ministry to church members--Using its impact on the Committee for Gender Equality and Higher Education Committee as case studies

指導教授 : 黃伯和 博士


本論文的主旨專注於台灣基督長老教會在2014年發佈〈關心同性婚姻議題之牧函〉後所引起的爭議,並藉由研究者分別對長老教會屬下性別公義委員會和大專事工委員會的兩位幹事進行深度訪談的工作,探討該牧函對長老教會牧養屬下教會與信徒的影響。 關於教會對同性愛的看法,其中涉及的爭議不僅是教會對人類性特質缺乏適當的了解,以及不同立場者對於聖經詮釋觀點的差異,更可能是基督徒社群對教會的本質與牧養意義的認知、反省不足所導致。從本論文的研究結果發現,長老教會在牧函發佈後,原本對同性愛的爭論偏向同情、友善與寬容的論述立場轉變為敵視同志的氛圍,縮減教會牧養同志基督徒的空間,形成反對與支持同志兩方陣營的對壘,彼此對立緊張的關係不僅威脅教會的合一,也影響教會推動牧養的事工。 為了回應該牧函發佈後的衝擊,本研究針對長老教會總會、同情與反對同志的牧長信徒,以及同志基督徒為四類對象,提出相關的教牧關懷建議,盼望能協助教會突破困境,繼續推動關懷同志基督徒的牧養工作。


The thesis focuses on the theological controversy over the pastoral letter issued in 2014 by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) concerning same sex marriage. Through intensive interviews with the Committee for Gender Equality and Higher Education Committee, the research tries to explore the impact of the pastoral letter on local congregations and ministry to church members of PCT. Concerning the attitude of the Church toward Homosexuality, the disputes not only involve the Church’s lack of proper understanding of the special features of human sexuality, the different interpretations of the Bible by people with different standpoint, but mostly are due to the lack of understanding and reflection by Christian communities on the meaning of ministry and the nature of the church. The researcher found that, after the study, after the issuance of the ‘Pastoral Letter’, discussion platforms formerly tolerant and sympathetic towards the issue of homosexuality became hostile, the space for ministering to homosexual Christians shrank, and a wall has been formed between supporters and opponents of homosexuals, the tension of which threatens to divide the church and negatively impact on the work of pastoral care. In order to respond to the impact after the issuance of the Pastoral Letter, suggestions have been made for the following groups of people: the PCT General Assembly Office, church leaders and members sympathetic towards homosexuals, church leaders and members hostile towards homosexuals, and homosexual Christians themselves, in the hope that the church can overcome this difficult time and continue to care for homosexual Christians.


Rogers, Jack. Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality: explode the myths, heal the church. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009.
Savin-William, R. C. “Who’s gay? Does it matter?” Association for Psychological Science 15, no. 1(2006): 40-44.
