  • 學位論文


An Investigation of the Development of Mission Theology of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Through an Observation of its Mission History

指導教授 : 黃伯和


本論文旨在探討台灣基督長老教會的宣教歷史,從中尋找可幫助今日台灣基督長老教會反省思考的元素,並藉此展望台灣基督長老教會的宣教發展。從近年來由台灣基督長老教會總會發起的「一領一・新倍加運動」可看見長老教會在向來所重視的本土關懷訴求之外也逐漸重視「量的增長」;不管是教會數的增長或是信徒數的倍增等宣教目標,皆呈現台灣基督長老教會越來越關注整體教勢發展的走向。據觀察,近幾年長老教會的教勢呈現持平甚至略微衰退的跡象,這些現象也促使長老教會轉而漸關注「量的增長」,以維護其在台灣既有的令人稱羨的宗教版圖及其對社會應有的影響力。   台灣基督長老教會在台灣這塊土地上歷經了數次的社會變革,不管是初期西方宣教師來台建立教會所遭遇到的文化衝突與誤解,或是到了本土傳道人的自治時期遭受日本、國民政府的壓迫,這些經歷都成為長老教會本土化的重要元素。回顧長老教會過去的宣教神學與事工,也可看見教會在各時期的突破,皆始於宣教神學與理念的突破。筆者試圖從宣教歷史背後的神學變革,找到可幫助今日長老教會宣教發展的元素。   初期長老教會是用西方宣教師所注重的「福傳神學」為宣教理念,雖然能加深信徒對宣教的熱忱,但卻使教會將關懷焦點集中於宗教,而對國家社會出現的壓迫現象採取迴避、漠視的態度。爾後由台灣本土傳道人自治教會後,雖然在宣教理念上依然採取西方福傳觀點,但卻因著種種被壓迫的經驗及自決運動,逐漸辨識出台灣教會的自我身份認同。長老教會也在『信仰告白』後擬定了以台灣人身份認同的宣教策略。雖然這些宣教策略或許並沒有為教會帶來「量」的大幅增長,但卻也為台灣基督長老教會的宣教找到了新的可能性。今日的長老教會除了觀摩其他教派的宣教策略外,更應從自身過去的經驗與身份認同找到拓展今日教會宣教的元素。


長老教會 信仰告白 一領一


The aim of this thesis is trying to explore the evangelical history of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), from reflecting upon the past to find out new possibilities for PCT’s future development. In recent year, the General Assembly of PCT had launched an important evangelical movement which called “One Lead One, New Double Movement” and it has drawn more attention to “the growth of quantity” (church membership) alongside with the contextual concern. Through a closer observation one may discover that PCT has been more careful about Its integral development both on the growth of the church and the doubling of membership. According to the calculation date, the PCT had slightly declined Its’ church strength, and this phenomenon push PCT to focus more on the growth of church membership in order to sustain PCT’s influential in Taiwanese society. The PCT Church has gone through several important historical stages in Taiwan, such as the cultural misunderstanding and hegemonic impacts at the early stage and the following distress of Japanese imperialism and the dictatorship of KMT government. All of these different oppressions had contributed to the development of PCT’s theological concerns and evangelical ministries. In the early stage, PCT was lead by western missionaries; they worked hard with the commitment driven by their “evangelical theology”, but had being neglected the social political oppressions in the society. After the local Taiwanese Christians participated in the self-governing of the church, they began to distinguish a clear mind of self-identity as Taiwanese Christians, and derived from this awareness of self-identity it has developed a particular PCT’s “Confession of Faith” ,which has directed PCT’s related church ministries and mission strategies in many ways. Yet, there is lack of evaluation and theological reflection on these evangelical strategies after it has practiced for so many years, it comes to a time for reflection. This study is to do the review and reflection on its historical developments and seeking to discern relevant mission theology and mission programs for the PCT to journey towards its new phase of ministry in Taiwan.


