  • 學位論文


A Study of Evaluating the Management and Market Value Efficiency of the International Enterprise by using Data Envelopment Analysis– Traditional Industry Firms of Taiwan

指導教授 : 姜樹翰


全球經濟活動環環相扣,臺灣長期倚靠出口貿易來促進經濟成長。雖然過去臺灣多將焦點集中在熱門產業,如電子、電機、能源等產業,相對地傳統產業似乎逐漸沒落。但隨著網路泡沫化以及產業結構健全化的呼聲日漲之下,傳統產業的重要性正在提高。加上傳統產業本身也不斷地在創新與改變當中。因此本研究以臺灣國際企業中的傳統產業作為研究對象,以瞭解臺灣國際化的傳統產業的經營績效如何,並透過股價的反應,來估計經營成果對於傳統產業的市場價值表現究竟如何。 本研究目的就是在評估台灣國際化傳統產業在經營與市場價值兩部份的績效表現,以2006年臺灣29家國際企業資料,應用資料包絡分析法的CCR模式來進行兩階段估計。實證分析結果發現,在第一階段有效率達的公司有10家;第二階段有效率公司有5家。


The Global economic activities are extremely related. Taiwan depends on export commerce to accelerate economic growth over a long period of time. Although, Taiwan used to focus on electronic, electrical engineering and energy industries, but traditional industries were relative downward. The burst of internet bubbles and industrial constructer integrity cause the importance of traditional industries upraising. Traditional industries are keeping innovation and changing now. This research would to understand the efficiency of traditional industries of International industries in Taiwan through stock prices and evaluate its performance in the market. The purpose of this research is to evaluate efficiency and market performance of traditional industries of International industries in Taiwan. This research use CCR model of two step DEA to evaluate 29 International corporation of 2006 in Taiwan. According to analyze, there are ten companies efficiency in first step; and five companies efficiency in second step.


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