  • 學位論文


Exploration of body image and sexual satisfaction among breast cancer women with mastectomies and their spouses

指導教授 : 吳麗珍


本研究主要目的為探討:(一)接受手術後的乳癌婦女與配偶對身體心像看法之差異性;(二)術後乳癌婦女與配偶對性生活看法之差異性;(三)術後乳癌婦女與配偶對身體心像與性生活的相關性。 本研究為橫斷式研究,以方便取樣,在門診追蹤一年以上11年以下,年齡65歲以下、乳癌病理報告I,IIa,或IIb、經過乳房保留或全切除之66對已婚乳癌婦女與其配偶。使用的結構式問卷有身體心像量表、性生活滿意度量表。以SPSS 17.0統計軟體分析資料。 研究結果術後乳癌婦女與配偶對於身體心像的看法兩者有顯著差異性(t =5.449, p <.01)。在性生活滿意度兩者也有顯著差異性(t = -2.376,p <.05)。術後乳癌婦女的身體心像與性生活滿意度呈現負相關(r = -.251,p <.05);而配偶對乳癌婦女術後的身體心像與性生活滿意度也呈現負相關(r = -.492, p <.01)。整體上,乳癌婦女對於術後的身體心像與性生活滿意度的負向觀感高於配偶。 因此,醫療團隊必須重視已婚乳癌婦女術後的身體心像與性生活,加強臨床醫護人員其相關在職教育之訓練,建立一套更完整的癌症醫療照護,提供夫妻相關的婚姻諮商輔導,提升乳癌術後婦女性生活品質。


The three main purposes of this study are 1) to compare the body image of breast cancer women with mastectomies and their spouses’ image of the women’ bodies; 2) to compare sexual satisfaction among these women and their spouses; 3) to investigate the relationship of body image and sexual satisfaction in these women and in their spouses. In this cross-sectional study, 66 dyads of breast cancer women with mastectomies and their spouses were recruited from breast cancer follow-up care at a medical center in southern Taiwan. Inclusion criteria for the women were: one year after mastectomy, married, age below 65, and breast cancer diagnosed as I, IIa, or IIb by pathological report. Inclusion criteria for spouse were the woman’s legal husband and living in the same household. Two structural questionnaires were used: the 30-item Body Image Scale and 27-item Sexual Satisfactory Scale for both wife and husband. The study showed divergent results between breast cancer women and their spouses. Paired-t test showed that breast cancer women have significantly worse self body image than the spouses’ image of their body (t = 5.449, p < .01). Women also reported significantly lower sexual satisfaction than their spouses (t = -2.376, p < .05). Body image was significantly correlated with sexual satisfaction both in breast cancer women (r = -.251, p < .05) and spouses (r = -.332, p < .01). The worse the body image, the lower the sexual satisfaction. This study reports on body image and sexual satisfaction in breast cancer and their spouses, and it is hoped that the information provided here will help health care providers initiate discussion with their patients and the patients’ spouses on how body image changes might affect their sex lives after mastectomy. It is important to let women know that their husband may not have as negative an image of their body as the women’s own body image. Intervention may be developed to help health care providers learn more about body image and sex lives so they can be more comfortable discussing these issues with breast cancer women and their spouses. Marriage counseling should be included in the follow-up care of breast cancer women.


breast cancer spouse body image sexual satisfaction




