  • 學位論文


Study on Long-term Variation of Metal Compositions in Biological Monitoring Samples of Workers with Welding Fume Exposure

指導教授 : 吳俊德


本研究針對電焊作業勞工金屬燻煙中四種金屬成分(錳、鎳、鉻和鐵)的暴露進行測定。研究中選定兩組研究對象,分別為暴露組(電焊作業勞工)與非暴露組(行政人員),在半年期間的每個月均選定一週的3~5個工作天,採集研究對象的個人空氣暴露樣本及作業環境空氣樣本,並於不同時間間隔收集個人生物偵測樣本(尿液)。空氣暴露樣本使用裝有MCE濾紙的IOM採樣器進行採樣測定。所有採集的樣本以微波加熱進行消化,然後以原子吸收光譜儀器測定樣本金屬含量。於採樣期間,除了觀察記錄勞工的作業狀況外,並以問卷詢問電焊勞工的作業習慣和生活習慣,作為暴露評估的參考。本研究共獲得電焊勞工個人樣本26個,區域樣本30個,尿液樣本暴露組109個和非暴露組30個。兩個電焊作業區域(A和B)環境空氣樣本的金屬錳、鎳、鉻和鐵平均濃度分別為(1)A區:0.00323、0.00102、0.00111和0.00567 mg/m3;(2)B區:0.00971、0.00092、0.00099和0.03144 mg/m3。暴露組於半年內(長時間)一個月測定一次的尿液樣本,錳、鎳和鐵金屬濃度上工前均高於下工後,僅有鉻金屬濃度下工後略高於上工前;暴露組於一個月內(短時間)20天的尿液樣本測定,四種金屬的平均濃度上工前皆高於下工後。金屬濃度配對t檢定結果顯示:長時間和短時間測定上工前和下工後尿液所有金屬平均濃度有顯著差異。非暴露組勞工上工前尿液金屬錳、鎳和鉻平均濃度高於暴露組勞工長時間的濃度,但下工後尿液金屬錳和鐵平均濃度略高於暴露組勞工長時間的濃度;而當與暴露組勞工短時間尿液金屬平均濃度相比,非暴露組勞工無論是上工前或下工後尿液金屬濃度大部分都低於暴露組。尿液樣本的金屬濃度經肌酸酐調整後,顯示尿液金屬濃度上工前均低於下工後,說明電焊作業勞工從事電焊作業項目過程中會遭受金屬燻煙暴露,無論如何其暴露濃度均低,符合法定容許暴露限值。


In this study welding workers’ exposure to four metals including manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr) and iron (Fe) from metal fume were measured. Two groups (exposed and non-exposed groups) of study subjects were recruited for this study. The exposed group included welding workers from the welding processes of a high-tech plants manufacturing factory and the non-exposed group consisted of administrators in the same factory. Personal air exposure samples and environmental air samples and were collected on 3~5 workdays of a week in each month in a half year. Personal biological monitoring samples (urine) were also collected at different time spots during the air-sampling period. The air samples were taken by using an IOM sampler with a MCE filter. All the samples were digested in a microwave oven system. The content of the metals in the samples were quantified by using an atomic absorption spectrometry equipped with a graphite furnace. During the exposure sampling period, work activities of the workers were observed and recorded and a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the demographic information and work history of the workers. In the study, 26 personal air exposure samples and 30 area air samples were obtained. The numbers of urine samples collected from the exposed and non-exposed groups were 109 and 30, respectively. The concentrations of Mn, Ni, Cr and Fe in the air of the work environment of two welding areas (A and B) were 0.00323, 0.00102, 0.00111 and 0.00567 mg/m3 for Area A and 0.00971、0.00092、0.00099 and 0.03144 mg/m3 for Area B. The concentrations of Mn, Ni and Fe in the pre-shift urine samples collected from the exposed group in each month of the half year (long-term measurement) were higher than those in the post-shift urine samples, but the concentration of Cr in the post-shift urine samples was higher then that in the pre-shift urine samples. The concentrations of these four metals in the pre-shift urine samples collected from the exposed group in each work day of a month (short-term measurement) were higher than those in the post-shift urine samples. Based on the results of paired-t tests, the metal concentrations of both long-term and short-term urine measurements showed statistically significant differences between the pre-shift and the post-shift urine samples. The Mn, Ni and Cr concentrations of the pre-shift urine samples of the non-exposed group were higher than those in the long-term measurements of the exposed group. But, the Mn and Fe concentrations of the post-shift urine samples of the non-exposed group were only a little bit higher than those in the long-term measurements of the exposed group. In comparison with the metal concentrations of the short-term measurements of the exposed-group, the metal concentrations of the pre- or post-shift urine samples of the non-exposed groups were lower than those of the exposed-group. The metal concentrations of the pre-shift urine samples with creatinine adjustment were lower than those of the post-shift urine samples. This indicated that the welding workers were exposed to welding metal fume. However, the metal fume exposure level of the workers was lower than the permissible occupational limits.


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ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) (2005) Nickel CAS#7440-02-0, http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts15.html.
ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) (2008) Chromium CAS#7440-47-3, http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts7.html.
