  • 學位論文


The Investigation and Analysis of Campus and Its Surrounding Parking Lot-The Case Study for The Neighborhood of Tainan Municipal Yong-Ren Senior High School

指導教授 : 吳永隆


回顧國內、外校園在交通問題所面臨瓶頸,主要癥結點仍圍繞在處理「人」與「車」用路權之有效分配。儘管各國對於降低校園停車失序所帶來的衝擊之研究從未間斷,惟多數研究仍以大學校園做為研究的對象,研究高中校園的討論較少。故本研究目的即:依調查研究結果,提出適當建議,使校園交通問題得到紓解,創造出安定和諧的學習環境。 本研究針對臺南市立永仁高級中學為例,針對校園內部與周邊6米(含)以上主要道路,以實地調查方法,完整紀錄校內、外停車供需、停車延時與土地使用等數據,客觀分析永仁高中在交通上所面臨的困難。透過歸納整理,提出可行之建議,供日後國內研究與分析之參考。 研究發現永仁高中校內停車供需接近飽和、停車位使用率偏高、且停車需求過於集中某一時段等問題;校外停車問題則有短暫停車比例過高、違停情況普遍、校園周邊停車需求有限,不足以應付尖峰時段大量的停車需求等問題。其在改善的方法上,建議可朝增加供給、降低需求、加強停車管理與落實交通安全教育,四個面向做考量。


No matter what it faces the bottleneck of traffic issue in domestic and foreign campus, in retrospect, the crux still remains in management of efficient allocation of road-using-right for "pedestrian" and "vehicle". Although the researches of all the nations in the world regarding how to reduce disorder impact on campus parking issue never stopped, most of those case studies are still limited to the college campus. About discussions of this issue, there is less mentioned of research subject on high school campus.Therefore, the purpose of this study is : to make appropriate recommendations in order to alleviate the traffic problem in high school campus and further creat a stable and harmonious learning environment , according to the results of research survey. In this study, it takes the interior of campus in Tainan Municipal Yong-Ren Senior High School and more than six meters of its surrounding primary roads as a research example. The case research, in the method of field survey, completely records the data of supply and demand of parking as well as overtime parking and land utilization etc. in the inside and outside of campus. The data objectively analyzes the difficulty of traffic issue Yong-Ren Senior High School faces; accordingly, this report via comprehensive induction and collation can be submitted for feasible reference of domestic research and analysis in the future. Through the findings of this case study, in the inside of campus in Yong-Ren Senior High School, the supply and demand of parking goes a fair approach to saturation; besides, the problems of campus parking also include high utilization rate of parking spaces and parking demand is too focused on peak period and so on. The problems ofcampus’ external parking contain the fairly high proportion of short-term parking, general situation of illegal parking, limited parking supply around the campus, insufficient parking space to meet plenty parking demand during peak time and so on. Basing on the foregoing findings, with four aspects, the effective solution of problems above in order to improve campus parking is recommended to offer more parking spaces, reduce parking demand, strengthen parking management, and implement traffic safety education.


梁世武、呂英志、鍾岳勳(2006)。臺北市停車需供比循環模式之研 究。都市交通季刊,第20卷,第4期,第15-25頁。
