  • 學位論文

重現的記憶 臺南府城建築印象 黃逸稜創作論述

The recalled memories of the demolished Japanese colonial buildings in Tainan City The Elaborations of I-Leng Haung’s Artworks

指導教授 : 黃銘祝


筆者幼年時曾居住於臺南,對於臺南市區的日治時代建築有某種程度的依戀,乃因長輩常提起日治時代的家庭故事,而與臺灣過去的這段五十年的東洋文化與作了潛意識的連結。 本論述描繪臺南府城已消逝的日治時代建築,藉創作將不存在的城市景象以平面圖像及立體形式重現,探討人們對城市記憶與建築變遷等社會議題。建築為人類文明的象徵指標之一,從原始之天然遮蔽到表現美學、文化、威權、高科技的堅固結構體,人們始終賦予其功能性,建築在不同語言的統治有不同的思維與文化,單在樣式方面就有很大的異處。 歷史中的每一個過程及片段裡,在線性時間的流逝與空間的異換下,萬物盡有可能消失、汰換,消逝於人的記憶之中。然而,經過蓄意的回憶與摹造,印象顯然是可以被喚醒重現的。因此,在筆者作品中以素描為主要表現方式,結合水彩等其他繪畫媒材創作,重現不存在的臺南日治時期建築。除此之外,運用樹脂為主要媒材,結合過去與現代同一地點之街景成為立體作品。本創作研究試圖藉不同媒材與表現形式來探討城市印象、回憶與變遷,延伸社會議題如古蹟保存與文化地景再造之探討。


This study aims to discuss people’s recalled memories of the demolished Japanese colonial buildings in Tainan City in the aspect of art. With the development of Tainan City after the restoration of Taiwan from Japan’s colonialization, many Japanese-built buildings were ruined and new structures were built instead. Most of these buildings built during colonial days were unique in architectural designs but had long since passed into oblivion. As time goes by, the decay of the memories is one of the nature courses. The reappearance of these demolished Japanese colonial buildings in form of paintings would try to recall people’s memories of old Tainan City. In this study, the memory of the city as well as the significant social issues concerning the destructions of those historical buildings are discussed. In addition, my works including drawings and paintings with mixed mediums and three-dimensions acrylate resins works focusing on these colonial buildings will be elaborated.


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