  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Analysis of Internet Marketing Applied in the Optical Industry

指導教授 : 李元墩


「眼睛是靈魂之窗」除了看清楚事物之外,還具備了反應人體平衡感、視覺立體感、色彩共同感,如不正確的驗配,都將會影響學童的學習能力、記憶能力、反應能力、運動能力等,傷害或遲緩如長期下來將影響終其一生的學習而不自知。由於政府未把驗光配鏡未納入醫療法,眼鏡業淪為一般商品販售,從業人員也無須技術證照均可從事驗光配鏡行為,各眼鏡商蓬勃發展滿街眼鏡商店林立形成紅海市場,各廠商為了永續經營不得不以削價求售,競爭手法由然而生,為節省時間與成本而從事簡單驗光、不良配鏡充其量,使得劣質產品充市,危害國民視覺健康。 本研究探討將眼鏡光驗配鏡的專業知識,結合網路臉部辨識系統軟體透過雲端科技存放於伺服器內,並利用專家系統提出消費者購買的專業建議,讓消費者可藉由此科技進行進行正確的鏡框、鏡片、材質、色彩、型式作為修飾臉型及視力矯正的互相配合,達到節省成本、拓展網路客源、創新行銷服務消費者視覺矯正的功能並促進全民視力健康雙贏局面。 本研究以採用隨機抽樣的方式,共發放350份問卷,有效問卷297份,並應用變異數分析、複迴歸分析、相關係數檢定與殘差常態檢定等統計方法驗證本研究之目的,所得結果如下: 一、由網路提供正確配鏡專業信息讓消費者了解何種顏色鏡框、鏡片、材質符合用需求功能確保消費者視力健康。 二、可藉由網路行銷數量,了解現年青人流行趨勢作為廠商製造指標。 三、只要網路安全防護夠高,消費者是可以接受一個24小時全年無休又自主性的網路挑選眼鏡的環鏡。 四、對商家而言,網站的架設成本極低又可以突破空間及時間的限制。因此,商家能夠透過網路社區來進行自己網站的曝光度,藉此增進銷售量。 五、可由網路資訊讓消費者瞭解何種顏色的鏡片是符合他們的需求。就本研究發現與管理意涵作探討,並具體呈現研究貢獻與建議,以供學術界與企業界作為參考之用。 六、本研究藉由專家訪談後,發現透過人工智慧配鏡技術再加上網路行銷界面為消費者與業者之間溝通的另一種管道。


Well goes the saying, “Eyes are the window to the soul.” Apart from providing us clear images, human eyes also have the function of reflecting one’s sense of balance, visual stereopsis, color sense. If eye examination is not performed carefully, children’s abilities of learning, memory, reaction, as well as athletic ability will be under great influence; children may suffer from long-term damages without knowing the reasons. Since professional skills of optometry and ophthalmic dispensing have not yet been included in enacting Medical Act as optometry practice law, glasses can be dispensed and sold as regular products by optical companies without license or certification. Rapid expansion of optical stores and companies results in a highly competitive Red Sea market. In order to survive in the optical industry, many companies adopt price-cutting as their strategy to compete at a lower price, and fail to do eye exams and ophthalmic dispensing carefully and professionally simply for saving costs and time. People’s vision health then becomes victims of the vicious cycle. The research combines knowledge of optometry and ophthalmic dispensing with a web-based software of face recognition system, and put it into servers via cloud computing technology. Optical experts provide suggestions at expert system as references for consumers, so that consumers can purchase glasses by consulting suitable frames, lenses, materials, colors and styles from the system. This technology not only helps optical companies to save costs, explore potential online customers, and create innovative vision correction services, but also improves consumers’ vision health, which can be regarded as a win-win situation. This research adopted random sampling. 350 questionnaires were handed out, 297 returned questionnaires were valid for analysis. Statistical techniques including ANOVA, regression analysis, correlation coefficient test, and residual normality test were used to analyze the data. Research findings are as below: 1. Professional and correct optical information from the web-based system allows consumers to choose appropriate color, lenses, materials of eyeglasses based on their needs, it also ensures consumers’ vision health. 2. Optical companies can find out trends among young people from the data of Internet marketing, and furthermore use it as an index for eyeglasses manufactories to promote products. 3. If network security system is highly reliable, it is acceptable for consumers to have a platform that they can access to purchase eyeglasses online at any time. 4. For optical companies, setting up a website can save a lot of costs and does not have time and space constraints. Therefore, companies can increase advertising exposure through virtual community as a sale-boosting strategy. 5. Consumers can understand what colors of lens meet their needs through information on the website. 6. In this study, by interviews with experts and found another pipeline through artificial intelligence glasses technology coupled with the Internet marketing interface for communication between consumers and industry.


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