  • 學位論文


The Effect of Employee organizational commitment on the Job performance from the aspects of Traditional enterprise Leadership style

指導教授 : 謝介仁 劉維仁


面對外在大環境變化劇烈,產業也必須面對許多競爭的對手及不斷的改變競爭策略模式,其傳統產業漸漸蓬勃發展興盛,且也逐漸地融入到我們的平常生活當中,同時也進入到企業的組織裡,故企業為了求生存、求卓越,必須要不斷的在組織中做好不同對應政策才行。 古人云:「一樣米養百種人」。本研究主要探討以傳統企業主管領導風格的觀點來探討員工組織承諾對工作績效之影響,在職場上身為一位主管,當領導到一個團體或組織,面對各各不同個性的部屬(員工)如何能夠讓大多數人公平的對待,研究對象為北高雄之企業董事長、主管與生產線人員,用問卷調查的方法收集資料,共回收258份的有效問卷。也藉由領導者的領導風格「權威式領導」、「民主式領導」、「放任式領導」等三個階段之下,適時適地運用各種領導模式加上領導者本身自已領導風格,達到組織承諾與工作績效之間最大效能。給企業界一個參考依據,面對國際大環境競爭之下,如領導者沒有自已本身有一套獨特完好的領導風格是不行的。 最後本研究以管理上的意涵、研究發現與討論、研究限制、後續研究者之建議,作為本研究的結尾。


Encounter with huge environmental alterations, all industries in face of many competitors and the prompt competition measure as well. Traditional industry flourishes and closely connected to our daily living , entering to the organizations of enterprise scale. Its time the enterprise must apply various strategies within organizations to survive and go for brilliant. It is said "same rice feed up different people" .This study probe on how leadership style of traditional enterprise mangers to feedback on employee organizational commitment toward working efficiency resulted. As a manager in profession, when leading a group or an organization, you have to face the subordinates of different characteristics and to deal with most equal fair treatments.This research objects include president, managers and producing line staff of a northern Kaohsiung enterprise, colleting questionnaire of 258 valid handouts from above mentioned source. Through the leadership style of three stage: from authoritative leadership to democratic leadership and laissez-faire leadership, to exercise the pattern with own style of the leader to reach for best efficiency between organizational commitment and working efficiency. This is an index accordingly for enterprises to ware the own leadership is essential against global competitions nowadays. In the end, this study applying with management aspects to explore and verify what is to be suggested and restrained for the upcoming new researchers in the filed related.


