  • 學位論文


A Study of the Situational Somatosensory Game Digital Learning for Global Warming Misconception

指導教授 : 賴信志


全球暖化減緩與調適之必要行動應先建立在正確的科學認知上,但透過國內外研究及調查指出,學生及社會大眾對於全球暖化知識概念持有相當多的迷思,因此解決迷思為當務之要,但非正規教育的迷思概念轉換不易,需先有效誘發其動機引起興趣,相較之下傳統的學習方式較不適合。基於上述背景與動機,本研究以創新的思維,在遊戲式學習與情境式學習理論基礎之上,設計出一套趣味性、互動性及教育性兼具的情境式體感遊戲數位學習模組(Situational Somatosensory Game Digital Learning modules)。主要以角色扮演遊戲結合體感遊戲為發展核心,Role Play Game製作大師及Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit為發展工具,根據相關文獻及認知衝突策略,發展出自編的學習內容,完成學習模組,來解決已形成之科學迷思概念。 在先期實驗中,主要先以北極海冰融化會造成海平面上升之迷思為例,主要目的為:1.設計一套結合全球暖化迷思主題,並適合科普教育推廣之情境式體感遊戲數位學習方式;2.探討此一情境式體感遊戲學習教材及方式之學習成效;3.評估學習者對此一情境式體感遊戲學習之滿意度。 本研究採準實驗法,實驗組利用體感裝置進行學習,對照組則採用傳統鍵盤裝置進行學習,總施測人數426人(實驗組165人、對照組261人),透過前、後測問卷取得量化資料後,以描述性統計及變異數檢定進行分析,並依結果加以討論。 根據量化資料分析:1.由前、後測總分得知,實驗組 (平均進步1.15)及對照組(平均進步0.92)在解決全球暖化迷思的學習成效上都有顯著的進步,而且實驗組是優於對照組(F=6.31,p<.05),足以顯示出本研究所創新之情境式體感遊戲學習方式,可以有效提升全球暖化迷思之學習成效;2.透過學習者的基本填答得知,全球暖化主要訊息來源為電視媒體、學校與老師及網路,和國內研究結果一致,但進一步分析學習者前後測結果發現,在實驗前已具有正確科學認知的學習者,其訊息來源主要是以學校與老師為主;3.由評估結果得知,實驗組的學習者對於肢體操作的滿意度高達八成(86.3%),且對於遊戲的趣味性、記憶度、順暢度都高於九成,且同樣的遊戲方式,但不同的內容會想再玩的學習者佔100%,顯見本研究所設計之情境式體感遊戲學習,可以引發學習者強烈動機並獲得高度的滿意度。


Scientific knowledge of Global warming mitigation and adaptation is getting more and more important in present world, but through the domestic researches and survey, students and the general public still hold considerable myth on global warming issues, taking action to provide correct knowledge and learning tools should be the first priority we need to go. To convert misconceptions in non-formal education is not easy, the first step is to inspire the motivation by interesting learning processes but not the unsuitable traditional learning. This study designed an innovative learning material based on game-based learning theory and situational somatosensory game digital learning modules(Situational Somatosensory Game Digital Learning modules). It is a fun, interactive and educational tool in the sense of a combination of role-playing game with somatosensory, built up by Role-Playing Game masters and Kinect Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit programs. The content of learning modules is developed by the relevant literature and cognitive conflict strategy, the scientific myth of sea-level rise is designed to be solved during the gamed based self-learning processes. The primary topic of this study is focus on the myth : melting of Arctic sea ice will cause sea levels rising, the research purposes are : 1. design an education digital learning games combined with situational somatosensory to promote correct global warming (resolve myth), 2. investigate this performance of learning in using these materials, 3. assess learner satisfaction. Quasi-experimental method is adopt to evaluate the performance, using of the somatosensory system is assigned as the experimental group and the control group is using a conventional keyboard device for learning, the total number of test facilities is 426 (165 in the experimental group and control group 261), through a pre-test/post-test questionnaire the descriptive statistics, ANOVA analysis of quantitative data and open questions are discussed. According to quantitative data analysis shown that : 1 All of the testing scores shown significant improvement by using the game-based learning processes in solving the global warming myth (experimental group mean improvement 1.15, control group mean improvement 0.92), also we found the outcome of somatosensory-combined design is better than traditional keyboard only (F = 6.31, p <.05). These results indicate the innovative somatosensory game situational learning can effectively improve the global warming myth as well as highly confidence in future adaption and promotion; 2. From the investigation, the testers’ knowledge of global warming are coming from television media, teachers and the network, it is consistent with domestic research. But the cross analysis from pre/post test scores showed that the source of information got by learners with proper scientific understanding in their prior experiment is come from schools and teachers; 3. By the assessment results, the satisfaction for physical operation is up to 86.3% in experimental group learner, and for the game interesting, memory degrees, smoothness is higher than 90%. Moreover the willing to using the same learning module but different contents is totally agree (100%), that showes the design of this study, said somatosensory game situational learning, lead to a strong and highly motivated satisfaction.


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