  • 學位論文

光學眼鏡品牌形象、服務品質和顧客滿意對再購意願關係之研究-以Agnes b.為例

The Research on the Relationship between Brand Image, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction to Optical Glasses Repurchase Intentions : A Case Study of Agnes b.

指導教授 : 顏義文
共同指導教授 : 蔣大成


摘要 在七、八十年代台灣有著光學眼鏡王國的稱號,但隨著社會的環境變遷及工資不斷的提升。勞力密集的加工產業已經不再適合台灣,如何透過品牌形象來建立服務品質,是企業必須思考的方向。 本研究將對大高雄地區配戴光學眼鏡的消費者進行問卷,並將回收問卷進行迴歸分析,以建立一個預測模型。進而從迴歸模型中尋找品牌形象、服務品質、顧客滿意與再購意願相互關係。 本研究結果發現從整個迴歸模型來看,再購意願=0.214×(服務品質)+0.357×(品牌形象)+0.166×(有形滿意)+0.165×(可靠滿意)。意即,品牌形象對於再購意願所占的權重最大、其次為服務品質,因此,建立品牌形象可以讓企業徜徉在藍海。 除此之外本研究結果亦發現,眼鏡門市在服務品質、Agnes b.的品牌形象及顧客滿意等相關服務之提供,均會影響顧客再次購買的。女性顧客在「可靠滿意」及「再購意願」構面上的感受認同程度明顯地高於男性顧客,且已婚的顧客在「品牌形象」、「反應滿意」及「關懷滿意」等構面上的感受認同程度明顯地高於未婚的顧客;另具博士學歷的顧客在「服務品質」及「有形滿意」等構面上的感受認同程度明顯地高於專科學歷者。


ABSTRACT In the seventies and eighties, Taiwan was called the kingdom of optical glasses, but with the social environmental changes and the increasing salary, labor-intensive processing industry was no longer suitable for Taiwan. How to establish service quality by its brand image is the direction the enterprises have to think about. This research conducted a questionnaire survey to those optical glasses consumers in Kaohsiung area and ran a regression analysis with the response questionnaire for setting up a predictive model.Thus the interrelationship between brand images, service quality,customer satisfaction, and repurchase intentions could be found in the regression model. The findings from the entire regression model, and then purchase intention = 0.214×service quality +0.357×brand image +0.166 × tangible satisfaction +0.165 × reliable and satisfaction. This means that the brand image for the right of the share repurchase intentions re the largest, to build brand image can allow enterprises to wander in the blue ocean. According to the results, service quality, brand imaged of Agnes b., customer satisfaction and other related services of glasses stores may influence the repurchase intentions. Female customers have higher degree of recognition in “reliable satisfaction” and “care satisfaction” than males. Married customers have higher degree of recognition in “brand image”, “reaction satisfaction” and “care satisfaction” than those unmarried. Customers with doctorate have higher recognition in “service quality” and “tangibility satisfaction” than those only with associate degree.


7.Christian Homburg,Nicole Koschate-Fischer. &Christian M. iegner.(2012). Customer Satisfaction and Elapsed Time since Purchase as Drivers of Price Knowledge. Psychology and Marketing,29(2), 76-86.
