  • 學位論文

法著《Oscar et La Dame Rose》之中譯及譯評

Translation and Commentary of Oscar et La Dame Rose

指導教授 : 李憲榮
共同指導教授 : 李盈瑩


本論文主要以法國小說《Oscar et La Dame Rose》為主軸,試圖探討已出版的中譯本《最後12天的生命之旅》與筆者之試譯文之間的差異,及其所使用的翻譯手法。第一章是緒論,將探討《Oscar et La Dame Rose》的作者背景與《最後12天的生命之旅》的譯者介紹,以及筆者的研究動機及目的。第二章則談到翻譯理論,包含翻譯功能理論研究及兒童文學。第三章將著重在翻譯技巧的應用上,例如增詞、省略、歸化與異化等翻譯技巧。在第四章,本論文分別將《最後12天的生命之旅》此書前兩章值得討論的部分提出來,並與本論文第三章的翻譯技巧配合探討。第五章為結尾,本論文將總結譯者與筆者之間譯文差異的部分、在研究過程中所遇到的困難以及該項研究的限制和注意事項。 本論文透過譯評的方式,探討兒童、青少年小說在翻譯時所需要的策略。從分析結果發現,為了讓讀者了解故事情節,必須透過增詞策略以減少代名詞使用及完整詮釋原文內容。此外,藉由兒童文學的概念,為符合兒童及青少年的知識水平,必須要透過韋努蒂的歸化策略,亦即編譯的方式來貼近目標讀者。最後,希望藉由此研究,能讓更多對翻譯法文及兒童讀物有興趣的譯者,有進一步的了解。 關鍵字:翻譯功能理論、翻譯技巧、兒童文學、法國小說翻譯


The purpose of this thesis is to discuss translation of French novel, Oscar et La Dame Rose.In this thesis a comparison will be made between the different translation styles of the two versions from the original translator and writer. In Chapter Two, translation theories and researches will be introduced. Most importantly, Functional theories of translation researches and Children’s literature will also be introduced. In Chapter three, the writer will focus on the translation skills such as addition, deduction, domestication and forignization. In this chapter, the translating procedures will be mentioned. In Chapter Four, the writer will choose examples that are based on discussion from chapter one and chapter two in Oscar et La Dame Rose. In this chapter, the writer will also take some of the examples to respond to the translation skills introduced in chapter three of this thesis.Chapter Five is the conclusion. The writer will conclude the difference of target text between the translator of Oscar et La Dame Rose and the writer. The limitation and notes of this thesis will be concluded. This thesis was focused on the exploration of different translation strategies for both children’s and adolescent’s literature. It showed that in order to allow the readers to understand the story, it must use the strategy of addition to reduce pronouns and completely clarify the source text. In addition, it is necessary to use domestication, which was proposed by Venuti, to fit in with the target readers’ level of knowledge. Finally, I hope through this study, translators who are interested in French novels and children’s literature, have a better understanding. Key words: Functional theories of translation, translation skills, children’s literature, French novels translation.


方健彰(2007)。《探討不同語言結構對學生在科學試題的答題影響-以TIMSS 2003試題為例》。台北:臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所碩士論文。
