  • 學位論文


The Application of the Game Theory to Explore the Relationship between Land Allocation Ratio and Construction Quality in Private operated Urban Land Consolidation

指導教授 : 吳彩珠


摘 要 自辦市地重劃其結合政府與民間之力量,無非是創造三贏之政策。就政府而言:無償取得公共設施用地、都市藉此整體開發、地籍完整規劃。就土地所有權人而言:可增進並享受交通便利性、提升環境品質及土地地價增值等實益。就開發商而言:藉由協助地主開發取得報酬。縱然自辦市地重劃是一好政策,但自辦市地重劃執行至今所衍生的問題事實上亦不鮮,如:政府無法確實掌控取得公共設施用地時間,重劃區內土地所有權人紛爭層出不窮如:重劃會與開發商利用人頭,操控重劃會造成不公。 開發商在自辦市地重劃中可說扮演著靈魂之角色,其主導整個自辦市地重劃的進行。開發商與地主於重劃開發過程中除了就土地分配比率引發之爭議外,重劃地區範圍的選定爭議、地上物的拆遷補償爭議、共同負擔比例的爭議、工程時間及工程品質、土地分配位置、重劃會組織不公等亦為重劃執行過程中較常見之爭議。然自辦市地重劃工程品質影響地主以後出售土地時之價值,故開發商於重劃過程中為扮演非常重要的角色。 本研究係透過賽局模型之建構,以賽局理論之觀點,解析自辦市地重劃土地分配率與工程品質之關係。根據本研究賽局模型之建構與分析,實際應用於自辦市地重劃地主選擇開發商之執行,將可有效提升自辦市地重劃之工程品質,並藉以增進未來土地之增值率。同時根據賽局模型中,透過開發商及自辦市地重劃區內地主之決策互動過程推導,不僅提供自辦市地重劃區內地主未來參加重劃選擇開發商之參考,並可供未來修法單位對於自辦市地重劃工程品質修法之參考依據,期望藉由自辦市地重劃工程品質之提升,促進都市景觀之改造,以利都市計畫發展願景之達成,創造一個更高品質之居住生活環境。 關鍵字:自辦市地重劃、賽局理論、土地分配率、工程品質


Abstract Urban land readjustment by the private sector, a policy that integrates the strengths of both the public and the private sectors, is expected to benefit not only the government, but also the landlords and the land developer. From the government’s perspective, it can obtain private land without any compensation for public use, further develop the city, and complete its urban planning. For the landlords, the project brings in the traffic convenience, a higher quality of the land and the surroundings, and more importantly, a higher value of the land. As for the land developer, it can make profits from the constructions in the process. However, several issues are known to obstruct these projects, such as the timing public facilities can be ready, disputes among numerous land owners in the projects, and collusion betwen the land developers and specific landlords, the readjustment commission, or the related authority. In the process of the urban land readjustment by the private, the land developer plays an important role and often dominates how the project is carried out. In addition to the land allocation ratio between land developers and landlords, other disputes commonly seen include: the definition of the scope of land readjustment, the compensation for the properties on the ground, the ratio of commonly shared burden, construction time and quality, the location of the allocated land and so forth. As the construction quality the project will affect the land value in the future, the role played by the land developers in this kind of projects is extremely important. In this study, a strategic model was built to analyze, with game theoretic approach, the relations between the land allocation ratio and the construction quality in the urban land readjustment by the private sector. It is found in this study that, if the landlord is able to select the land developers, not only the construction quality of the projects can be improved, but also the land value will increase in the future. Furthermore, the interactions between the land developers and the landlords from this model can be used as references for both landlords in future selection of the developers and land readjustment authorities in future law amendment regarding the construction quality land readjustment projects. It is hoped that through the improved construction quality, the city planning especially the urban readjustment can be further faciliatetd so that the city landscape can be further advanced. Keywords: urban land readjustment by the private sector, land allocation ratio, construction quality


3.林子欽 、張正(2004)。地主和承租人如何面對土地徵收的風險。臺灣土地研究


