  • 學位論文


The Research on the Landscape-Sketch of Taiwan Brook-Valley in Chinese Ink Painting

指導教授 : 蔡茂松


本論文旨在以「臺灣溪谷景觀」為題材,運用水墨媒材技法與形式做寫生創作之研究。以臺灣溪谷景觀做主題,從「師自然」的觀點出發,尋出最原始之創作法則,探究自然美轉為藝術美的創作歷程。於「物我合一」的境界中,引發一種對在地的關懷之情。在自我的觀照體悟中,融合前人之寫生創作理論,期盼發展出自我之創作思維及理念,終至建立個人之創作風貌。因此,本創作研究中,希冀達成下列目的: (一)以前人之相關理論及圖像做探討分析,汲取傳統精華之處,融入自我之思維,構築個人之創作理念,以發展個人創作之風貌。 (二)以臺灣溪谷之景觀為題材,透過筆者對自然溪谷之觀照體悟,與寫生法則的建立及應用,體現自我之在地情感。 (三)利用切身對環境之觀察,賦予人文之關懷、省思與批判,運用傳統筆墨,以期創作出具有時代性之水墨作品。 (四)由理念之建構與形成,材料、技法與形式的運用及表現,歷經長期的鍛鍊與淬取,以此經驗的獲得,為爾後之創作活動奠定持續開拓與進行之根基。 為了達到上述的研究目的,因而本論文採取以下四種研究方法:(一)理論研究法和(二)圖像分析研究法:應用於前人之寫生創作相關理論以及相關溪谷圖像的蒐集、分析與探討。(三)田野調查法:此方法用於臺灣溪谷景觀之實際觀察、訪談、寫生、攝影和記錄蒐集等。(四)品質思考研究法:此方法用於進行水墨創作實踐時,於理論部分及作品間相互印證、檢討、修正。 本論文中「文獻探討」分為三要項做析論。此三要項分別為:一、前人相關寫生創作之論述,二、歷代對溪谷表現之相關圖像,三、臺灣溪谷景觀之特徵與畫意。於前人之相關論述部分,從「人與自然」之哲思發展對繪畫創作的影響,演變至「師法自然」的寫生觀,最後以達「師心」的創作境界。歷代對溪谷表現之相關圖像部分,針對相關之畫作做分析探討,並以立意取向做歸結,探索前人對溪谷創作表現之脈絡。第三個要向,則是以臺灣溪谷之景觀,做實地的觀察探訪並記錄,從中擷取創作之元素。透過此三要向之探討,以構築筆者個人之創作理念。 在繪畫實踐方面,以體現臺灣溪谷之多樣面貌,分成三個系列主題做詮釋,分別是:「溪谷之自然景觀」系列;「溪谷之人文景觀」系列;「溪谷之人性關懷」系列。於作品解析中,筆者按創作理念、學理基礎、內容形式、材料技法、整體表現等五項為要點做分析,闡述理念與創作之結合。 本研究之心得有三個要項:一、自我寫生理念之建立; 二、自我寫生創作歷程之確立;三、寫生創作精神之建立。 後續之創作方向與省思:在本研究中,無論是個人創作理念之強化,亦或是技法之探求,都有不少進展。本著這初端,得以持續爾後之學習與探究,希冀能錘鍊出更明確之自我筆法與創作風貌。


溪谷 寫生 師法自然


The objective of this paper is to study the “landscape of Taiwan brook valley”, and applying the technique and the form of media-material to deal with the research on Chinese ink painting creation. Taking the landscape of Taiwan brook valley as a subject in painting, it originates from the point of “behaving toward the Nature”, and finds out a primary rule of creation that seeks for the process of translating the natural beauty into the art’s beauty. In the premise of “the identity of others and self” in the art’s horizon, the creation of the landscape of Taiwan brook valley deeply inspires me a native interest in my emotion. In the reflection and comprehension of my art’s practice, the author is searching for the direction of combining former scholar’s theory in painting into a unity in meaning, and expecting to develop a unique thinking and idea in the process of painting creation, and finally forming a personal style in appearance. Therefore, the study of this paper is to attain those aims as the following statement: (1)The author will be engaged in the analysis of theory and image that relate to those achievements of former scholars in the art’s history, which includes the absorption of traditional essence and a particular display of self-idea and an advanced development that has a personal style in painting. (2)Taking the landscape of Taiwan brook valley as an example, the author wants to reflect the comprehension in mind through a real observation on the spot of sight-seeing, and learning the foundation and the application of a sketch-rule, and revealing the inner feeling of a native merit. (3)By means of the environmental observation around oneself, the author will display the painting style in a way of concern、reflection and criticism. Besides, the author takes the traditional brush in use to produce a contemporary characteristic in the performance of painting. (4)Through the construction and the becoming of self-idea, the author can be familiar with the application and the use in the combination of media-material, techniques and forms in the painting which acquires from a specific experience by means of a long discipline and understanding in mind. In addition to, this can be founded for the constant creation and procession of the art’s activity in the future. The author has already adopted four kinds of methods in this paper, which states in detail as the following:(1) the theoretical method of research and : This method is used in the sketch-creation of collection, analysis and investigation that involved with the view of former famous scholars.(2)the analytic method of picture: This method is applied to the gathering、analysis and investigation which involved with the picture of brook valley that is provided by former artists.(3)the field-investigation method: This method is used in a actual observation、interview、sketch、photograph and record-collecting of the brook-valley in Taiwan.(4)the quality-thinking method of research: This method is used in the process of an ink-brush in practice, and seeking the testament、self- criticism and revision between of theory and creation. This study of references on this paper is divided three parts, which states as the following: 1、The author discusses that of former references involved with the sketch-creation, 2、The author analyses the referential picture involved with the display of brook-valley in the art’s history, 3、The author gropes the characteristic and the prospect of Taiwan brook-valley. As for the statement of former painters concerning the discussion of brook-valley, the author will study the effects on the development of thinking that involves the relation of man and Nature, and transforming it into the view of “behaving toward the Nature” in the sketch-view, and finally attaining a prospect of “behaving toward a mind”. As to the well picture of brook-valley, the author points to the referential paintings and analysis them, which is intended to seek a developing cause involved with the investigating process of former painters. Thirdly, taking the landscape of Taiwan brook-valley as a aim, the author visits and interviews the actual place, and recording the references and abstracting the useful element from this endeavor. Finally, the author combines the views above-stating and forms a unique idea in the painting creation. In this respect of painting in practice, the author intends to show many different faces of brook-valley in Taiwan and divides this statement into three parts in interpretation. They are respectively stated as the following: the series of “the natural landscape of brook-valley”、the series of “the humane landscape of brook-valley” and the series of “the humane concern of brook-valley” etc. As for the analysis of painting, the author explains their connotation according to the idea of creation、the foundation of theory、the form of context、the technique of material、the performance of totality etc. There are five items in discussion. This paper includes three items in the comprehension: Firstly, the ideal foundation of self-sketch; Secondly, the creative certainty of self-sketch: Thirdly, the establishment of self-sketch spirit. The development and reflection after the graduate school: The author has concretely made progress, however in the depth of a creative idea or the grope of techniques, in this paper. This is a decisive beginning for the author to learn and study in the subsequent career of the painting, and hoping to skill well a self-brush in use and a style of creation.


