  • 學位論文


A Research Of The Developments And The Social Transformation In Sanwei Region Located In Linyuan Township, Kaohsiung County

指導教授 : 溫振華


本文以高雄縣林園鄉汕尾地區作為研究區域,探討汕尾地區在林園石化工業區設置前與設置後的社會發展與變遷。 高屏溪舊稱下淡水溪,早期河口附近遍佈溼地、泥地,這些從上游沖刷下來的泥沙在經年累月的堆積下逐漸陸化,位於高屏溪出海口的汕尾地區即是在這樣的背景中於清治嘉慶年間成形並吸引人群前往拓墾。 本區為海陸交錯地帶,早期擁有相當豐富的漁業資源,居民的經濟活動和漁業息息相關,其維生方式主要是以漁撈業為主,為捕撈不同習性的魚類,因此漁民便發展出多樣的捕魚之法,隨著漁獲量的增加,又逐漸衍生出水產加工業。另外,因漁撈業的高度危險性,日治時期已有部分漁民嘗試從事養殖漁業。在此背景中,也發展出屬於漁村特有的社會關係網路與人口特色。 1973年後,政府為厚植石化工業的基礎,在此地設置了林園石化工業園區,因石化工業園區帶來的污染,曾引爆了汕尾村民包圍工業區抗爭求償的「林園事件」,創下當時台灣公害史上最高賠償紀錄。另一方面,在國家產業變遷的過程中,本地區由第一級產業轉型為以第二級產業為主,當地居民的生計活動連帶跟著改變,這樣的變遷也影響到聚落人口的結構。 從寺廟來觀察,可呈現出汕尾地區社會發展過程的縮影。就公廟的祭祀活動而言,可看出其組織祭祀圈內地方人群的功能;就五營的位置變遷來看,可看出不同時期聚落人群聚居的範圍,五營也會隨著外在環境的改變與居民的心理需要有著適當的調整。就角頭廟而言,此地區的角頭廟除了提供居民信仰的需要外,也透過扶乩等儀式幫助人們解決其私人的問題。這些廟宇各司其職,提供人們安身立命的心理歸屬感。


汕尾 林園 林園工業區 社會變遷


We are using Sanwei region, located in Linyuan township, Kaohsiung county as our study zone, to probe the social developments and the social transformation before and after the petrochemical industry district having been built here. Kaopin Creek was called the Lower Danshuei (fresh water creek). In the early days, there were wetland and muddy land covered everywhere near the estuary. Those mud and sands scoured from the upstream formed gradually real solid land by the year after year’s piling up. Hence, Sanwei region, which was located right in the estuary of the creek, was pioneered and built by our ancestors immigrated by the time of Jiaqing Emperor, Ching Dynasty. This region combined with both sea and land. It used to bear an abundant resource of fishery. The inhabitants’ economy was connected closely with the fishery. They mainly depended on the fishes industry for a living. To catch the variety of fish, the fishermen developed different ways of fishing. Along with the increase of the amount of fish, it led to expanding processing industries of aquatic products. Furthermore, owing to the high risk of fishing activities, during the time when being reined by Japanese government, part of the fishermen have already attempted the cultivation fishery. Therefore, it helped develop the unique net of the social relationship and the characteristic of the population as well. After 1973, to strengthen the base of petrochemical industry, our government built Linyuan petrochemical industrial district in Sanwei. Due to the severe pollution produced from this district, it provoked the ”Linyuan Event” that the local inhabitants surrounded the factory area and made a stand against compensation. It created a record for the highest compensation of all the environmental damages of that time. On the other hand, with the procession of the transformation of national industries, Sanwei has become secondary position instead of first one as before. The living activity for local people has totally changed and it effected the construction of the population groups. Under the observation of the temples, it presents an epitome of the procession of the social development in Sanwei region. From its activity of offering the sacrifices to gods and ancestors in a Gong-Miao (a major public temple), we are able to tell a function of organizing the regional groups of the local inhabitants in the neighborhood. We can tell from the changing locations of Wu-Ing (an ancestral shrine), the villagers in different regions of different time. Wu-Ing accommodates itself to the changes of the external environment as well as the internal mental needs within the inhabitants. As for the regional temples (Jiaotou Miao), they not only provide the demand of a faith for the residents, but also help solve their personal problems through the rituals of Fuji (planchette writing). Those temples have their own function and provide people a belonging to settling down and getting on with life.




