  • 學位論文

受暴婦女使用公立就業服務資源之經驗探討 —以充權觀點為例

Exploring the Experience of Battered Women Using the Public of Employment Services Resources –A Study in Empowerment Approach

指導教授 : 蔡青芬


摘 要 本研究以「受暴婦女使用公立就業服務資源之經驗探討-以充權觀點為例」為題,目的是瞭解受暴婦女於接受公立就業服務資源的協助後的主觀經驗,進而探究受暴婦女在其生命經驗中的正向能量與負向限制拉扯下的發展脈絡。研究對象是五個經由家庭暴力防治中心轉介到雲嘉南區就業服務中心所屬就業服務站接受諮詢服務的個案,採質性研究的立場,以紮根理論為分析策略。並以深度訪談來蒐集資料,整理五位受訪者的訪談內容。嘗試以充權觀點分析受暴婦女於公立就業服務資源介入服務後具體行動力。 在「受暴婦女經公立就業服務資源服務後之經驗」研究中,發現了幾個最重要的脈絡: 一、在受暴婦女的同意下,各地家暴防治中心得以轉介其到公立就業服務站接受 就業服務諮詢及推介工作。 二、面對困境,受暴婦女會學習調適,自我放鬆,樂觀看待工作機會。調適後的 受暴婦女更以積極穩定專業的工作態度面對就業之路。 三、負向限制的生命經驗,侷限受暴婦女的就業機會。 四、受暴婦女在正向能量與負向限制交錯拉扯下,期待適合的工作條件提供工作 機會、較優渥的薪資、兼顧母職角色及維持生活開銷的就業需求。 五、受暴婦女的充權歷程為:(一)自我認同→(二)蛻變→(三)整裝出發。 六、受暴婦女使用公立就業服務資源正向經驗為:案主優先、人性化的服務態 度、客製化服務、政策性的協助。負向體驗為:政策性落差、政策性的限制、 未適性的推介、服務遲滯、專業敏感度不足、專業的漠視、服務儀式化、服 務人員主觀判斷。 政策制定及服務輸送應考量受暴婦女的生命經驗,以有效協助受暴婦女踏上就業之路。 關鍵詞:受暴婦女、公立就業服務資源、充權、生命經驗、使用經驗。


Abstract The theme of the study is “Exploring the experience of battered women using the public of employment services resources –A study in empowerment approach”. The purpose is to understand the battered women’s subjective experience through the assistance of the public of employment service resources, then to explore the positive and negative energy limit in their experience of life. (Under the implication of the developmental sequences) The study is by five counseling services cases from the Domestic Violence Prevention Centre transferred to theEmployment Services Center, Tainan –Chia Yi Region, the qualitative research is with grounded theory as the analyzed strategy to gather more information and arrange the contents by five detailed interviews; it tries to analyze the battered women’s specific actions by the view of empowerment through the public of employment service resources. In the research of "the experience of battered women using the public of employment service resources" reveals some of the most important sequences: 1. With the battered women's consent, all domestic violence prevention centers should transfer them to the Employment Services Station for employment counseling and referral work. 2. Facing the difficulties, battered women will learn adaptive, self-relaxing and optimistic for job opportunities. After adjustment battered women with a positive attitude became more aggressive and stable and professional toward employment. 3. Negative experience of life limited employment opportunities for battered women. 4. Battered women in the implication of positive and negative energy limit expected work opportunities, good salary, role of motherhood and living cost at employment. 5. Battered women's empowerment process is: (a) self-identity → (b) the transformation → (c) fully equipped departure. 6. Through battered women's use of public of employment services resources, the positive experiences are: priority, humanized services, customized services, and policy assistance. Negative experiences are: policy gaps, policy limits, non-adaption, service delay, lack of professional sensitivity, professional neglect, ritualized services, subjective judgment. Policy development and service delivery should consider the battered women’s experience of life to effectively assist battered women embarking on the employment. Keywords: Battered women、Public of employment services resources、 Empowerment、Experience of life、Useful experience.


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