  • 學位論文


A Study on Factors Affecting Online Group-Buying Behaviors From Consumers’ Perspectives

指導教授 : 吳明泉


網路團購是最近形成卻成長最快速的網路購物商業模式,國內相關研究相對較少,尤其少有針對其最重要的利害關係人─消費者─探討其參與網路團購的因素。 本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,建立研究架構,包含影響網路團購的可能因素,如商品、發起人、團購平台、認知風險及社會規範等。針對有團購經驗的消費者問卷調查,蒐集有效樣本計117份,分別以敘述性、信度分析、相關分析等統計方法分析驗證假設。 研究結果發現:消費者普遍受親友、網友及媒體資訊的影響團購行為;優先觀察會員總數、知名度以及商品種類來挑選平台;主要考量發起人的評價、經驗及服務;最擔憂商品功能及個資隱私等風險問題。本研究可提供業界及學術界做為參考。


Online Group-Buying is the latest, yet the most fast growing business model of online shopping. There are relatively fewer studies regarding this area in Taiwan. Particularly, not enough studies can be found regarding those factors that affect consumers’ engagement in the shopping model. This study, based upon the Theory of Planned Behavior, developed a research model, with several potential factors, such as goods, initiators, group buying platforms, perceived risks and norm. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire designed based upon the model. 117 effective samples were collected and statistical methods such as descriptive, validity, and correlation are employed for data analysis. The analysis has shown that consumers’ engagement in online group buying is affected by social influence from media, friends and family members. They will judge the number of registered members, service quality, and popularity in selecting the engaged platforms, and judge the evaluation, experience, and service in selecting initiators. They mostly perceive risks such as product functionality and security of personal information. These results can be a valuable reference for E-commerce industry and academic sectors.


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陳易湞(2016)。結合理性行為理論與計畫行為理論 探討消費者在網路上購買醫療器材意願之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺中科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0061-0707201611234700
