  • 學位論文


An attempt to construct an appropriate youth mission strategy through theological analysis and exploration on the "Shine Youth Camp" hosted by the Christian Council of Tainan City.

指導教授 : 黃伯和


Shine 營會在台南已有十年的歷史,近年來更有超過1,000名學員投入在其中。因此它的持續性、參與度、與穩定性,皆是筆者想要探索的動機,並寄望能從中找出適切於當代青年宣教的關鍵。   透過深度訪談、參與觀察收集資料,再輔以扎根理論收斂,並與人文、社會學科的理論做對話,以及神學詮釋。   本論文有以下發現: 1. Shine 在敬拜所蘊含的神秘經驗,是其宣教能有果效的因素之一;其次,一位青少年所參與的次級團體,也會影響個體持續參與 Shine 的意願。 2. 每個事務型組別的領導者也需要隨時洞察同工是否有 burn out 的狀況,並應隨時調派資源來協助。若同工持續在服事上經驗到負面感受,那他很有可能脫離服事的崗位。 3. 台南在地的堂會確實跟 Shine 之間有某種程度的張力存在,如何確立雙方各自的主體性?則會影響能投入到什麼程度。   在本研究中,筆者也意外發現台灣教會史上,在不同時代有不同的青年宣教策略,筆者把它稱為「青年宣教的典範轉移」,但對於細節、各種樣貌及所帶來的影響或發展,還有待學界一同努力。


For the past few years, there were annually more than 1,000 youth attended in "Shine Youth Camp" which has been holding 10 years. For the facts of its consistency, participatory and stability that motivated this researcher to explore this theme, and to search for a suitable key idea for today's youth mission. Through in-depth interview, sociological analysis and theological interpretations this thesis has following findings: 1. First, the mysticism within Shine's worship is one of the effective reason for youth mission. Second, a youth affects by his subgroup to decide to attend in Shine or not. 2. Leaders in administration groups need to aware volunteers' psychic state to avoid them burn out and give suitable resource when they need it. If a volunteer has a harsh experience in Shine, perhaps he/she may quit the voluntary jobs. 3. If local churches could establish the subjectivity with Shine, they may have fewer tensions and participate in Shine. An unexpected result is found in this dissertation. Every shorter era in church history of Taiwan had its own motivation and consideration doing youth missions. This appearance is called 'Paradigm Shift of Youth Mission' by this researcher. However, about the particulars, impact and improvement require more scholarly research.


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