  • 學位論文


Tourism Industry’s Key Success Factors of Implementing Quality Assurance

指導教授 : 哈冀連


由於全球經濟環境不斷變化,許多企業都面臨市場著激烈的競爭。迫使企業不斷去尋找更有利的競爭優勢及核心競爭能力。其中,旅遊業的執行品質保證對於消費者來說,已是認為影響旅遊業績效的關鍵因素。因此,本研究的目的是要找出旅遊業執行品質保證的關鍵成功因素。 本研究運用德菲法進行專家問卷,藉由三次問卷調查的進行,歸納整理出影響旅遊業執行品質保證的關鍵成功因素,並求得受邀專家們一致性看法,再利用層級分析法之兩兩相對比較分析出各衡量指標間之權重和優先順序。 研究結果顯示:「訓練專業領隊、導遊」以及「外語與翻譯的技巧」此兩項因素為旅遊業執行品質保證下的最俱關鍵的成功因素。此外,期盼此研究結果可以提供旅遊業之管理者實際的執行管理的建議。


In this changeable global environment, many businesses are facing the intense competition, and it enforced them to seek competitive advantage. As tourism industry, the quality assurance to consumers is recognized as a key factor affecting the performance of the firms increasingly. Due to this reason, the purpose of this study is like to find out the key success factors of the quality assurance in tourism industry. This study applied the Delphi method. A total of three questionnaire surveys were performed to derive consistent views from the experts and then summarized the key success factors from the experts. This study conducted a pair wise comparisons in the Analytic Hierarchy Process method to analysis the weight of each measure and priorities of individual indicators. The findings of this study indicated that " training the tour leader and guide" and "Interpretation technique of language and translation" are the most important key success factors of the quality assurance in tourism industry. At last, the results of this study will suggest the managers of tourism industry in some of practical management.


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