  • 學位論文

產後護理之家服務創新模式之實証研究 -服務藍圖觀點

An Empirical Study of Service Innovation Model in Postpartum nursing home -Service Blueprint Perspective

指導教授 : 莊立民


隨著時代變遷,產後照護市場應孕而生,坐月子成為可消費的商品,產後護理之家在強敵環伺、競爭激烈的環境中,如何脫穎而出獲得消費者青睞,是一門需要用心研究的課題。 本研究以個案產後護理之家的服務設計探討出發點,期望由文獻探討與顧客服務旅程作為基礎,配合深度訪談,藉由消費端意見找出服務創新的關鍵,進而提供服務創新的新方案,建構出個案產後護理之家服務藍圖。   透過文獻探討與顧客訪談分析,本研究結論如下: 一、停車不易,浪費時間:為顧客最抱怨的問題,提出短、中、長期的實務上改善及系統技術配合,減少顧客停車不便問題。 二、隔音不佳,干擾休息:提出實施隔音改善工程方案,降低噪音干擾。 三、硬維時效差,降低生活品質:建議派遣待命人力隨叫隨到,並開發APP叫修系統,管制修護進度,提升修護時效。 四、嬰兒照顧細緻度不足,家長無法放心:建議隨時考核,並安排訓練班次,熟稔原有技巧、吸收新知增加專業度。 五、硬體設備不足,生活品質欠佳:增設顧客提出需求之硬體設備,立即滿足顧客在硬體設備使用上的需求。 六、服務主動性欠佳,顧客易有困惑:製訂檢查表將需告知顧客事項逐一執行並註記確認,確保作業完整性。


With the social transition, the market of postpartum care became booming. Under harshly competitive environment, it is vital for postpartum care centers finding ways to stand out in the market. This research discussed mainly the service design of target postpartum care center, with basis of literature review, customer journey and in-depth interview, further concluded keys to service innovation from consumer-side opinions and brought out service blue print from new projects of service innovation. With literature review and analysis of interview, this research concluded: 1. The biggest complaint is the difficulty of finding parking slot, and thus the care center should improve with technology, and provide short, mid and long-term practical solutions. 2. Bad soundproof will create bad experience to the customer, it is significant to make related improving project. 3. Poor and untimely maintenance of hardware present bad living quality in the postpartum care center, it is recommended to provide full-day service and software (app) assistance, to control the schedule of maintenance. 4. Unprofessional baby caring service, an assessment and training system is recommended to supplement, review and acquire expertise. 5. Insufficiency of hardware equipment causes poor quality of life, it is recommended to satisfy the customers’ need. 6. Poor active service makes customer confuse easily. It is recommended to train the service crew fully, to make sure their service quality. Keywords: Postpartum Care, New Service development, Service Innovation, Service Blueprint


12、周世宏、蔡雨軒、張孟良、洪金耀(2015)。塗料業製造服務創新之研究。管理資訊計算,第4 卷,第1期,頁92-102。
