  • 學位論文


Evaluating Kaohsiung port efficiency with DEA

指導教授 : 周明道


我國由於天然資源匱乏,對外貿易的貨物運輸幾乎依賴海運承擔,因此海洋貨櫃運輸對於我國經濟發展影響重大,然而近年來我國國際港埠面臨亞太競爭區域內其他國際港埠之激烈競爭,在此態勢下若欲提昇我國國際港埠之競爭力,應先了解競爭區域內主要國際港埠之經營績效,藉此比較我國國際港埠與亞太地區其他國際港埠彼此間競爭之關係。 本研究以高雄港為主要探討的對象,且篩選出亞太地區相同作業型態的港埠,包括香港、上海港、釜山港、廈門港及東京港等共十三個港埠,透過資料包絡分析法評估各港埠生產效率之程度,以了解高雄港在這競爭激烈的環境下所處之地位。其次,本文透過模糊理論對各港埠長期生產效率進行整合與排序,以了解整體的競爭狀況,並配合BCG矩陣解釋高雄港營運效率與其他重要決策變數之關係,以增進高雄港之營運利基。 研究發現高雄港1999-2004年間的相對營運績效於亞太地區屬高營運效率之港埠,其他港埠營運績效排序依序為香港、上海港、高雄港、廣州港、天津港、青島港、廈門港、基隆港、深圳港、釜山港、東京港、大連港、台中港與神戶港。另外亦利用BCG矩陣解釋高雄港營運績效與相對利潤之關係,得出高雄港、香港及基隆港為高效率低利潤之港埠;上海港、廣州港、天津港、廈門港及青島港為高效率高利潤之港埠;深圳港及大連港為低效率高利潤之港埠;釜山港、東京港、台中港及神戶港為低效率低利潤之港埠。 文中除了上述數量分析方法外,亦藉由航運產業相關文獻探討港埠經營策略與航商選擇港埠考慮因素等,彙整出最常使用之經營策略,且整合相關學者重視之策略與港埠實際經營狀況,以比較高雄港與相對有效率港埠之經營差異程度,進而擬出高雄港提昇競爭力之策略,以確保高雄港之整體績效與持續性競爭優勢。


In the international trades, ports act as national gateways for an island country. Under a competitive environment in the Asia-Pacific region, the evaluation of operating performance is one of the very important management tools for all the three major international ports in Taiwan. The research applies the Data Envelop Analysis method to evaluate and to compare the operating efficiency of three major international ports in Taiwan with 11 main competitive ports in their neighboring region. In addition, using the concept of Fuzzy set theory, it is desirable to rank DMUs’ performance based not only on their relative efficiencies in an individual year but also over a period of 3~ 4 years. Research result indicates that Kaohsiung port has the highest relative operating efficiency over the period between 1999 and 2004; followed by Hong Kong port, Shanghai port, Guangzhou port, Tianjin port, Qingdao port, Xiamen port, Keelung port, Shenzhen port, Busan port, Tokyo port, Dalian port, Taichung port and Kobe port. Furthermore, this research employs the BCG Matrix to illustrate the relations of relative-efficiency and relative-profit of the 14 ports in the Asia-Pacific region. Results reveal that Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, and Keelung port are high efficient and low profitable ports. Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Xiamen, and Qingdao port are high efficient and high profitable ports. Shenzhen and Dalian port are low efficient and high profitable ports. Busan, Tokyo, Taichung and Kobe port are low efficient and low profitable ports.


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