  • 學位論文


An Assessment of PM2.5 Control and Management in Southern Taiwan Using ABaCAS-Taiwan

指導教授 : 賴信志
共同指導教授 : 吳佩芝(Pei-Chih Wu)


近十年來全球空氣污染事件日以俱增,造成許多民眾因暴露在空氣污染下而導致疾病的發生和死亡率的上升,因而全球開始針對空氣污染提出相關的控制措施政策而臺灣也含括在其中。但卻也發現到,政府在執行相關控制措施時,其政策沒辦法達到政府所制定的預期目標,因此本研究將利用ABaCAS-Taiwan系統來對於南臺灣(高屏地區)空氣品質控制措施進行評估。 其系統使用2010年臺灣環保署所提供的觀測站資料,並以2010年為基準年情境,來評估實施控制措施情境後能否達到高屏地區2020年預期的空氣品質目標。 結果顯示在縣市達標評估情境分析下,2020年高屏地區的PM2.5年平均濃度,從原本50.4μg/m^3減少為43.3μg/m^3;對於民眾健康效益而言當PM2.5年平均濃度減少7.1μg/m^3時,可避免之死亡或住院人次之總人數約為6,018位,及獲得約5,162.86億元的民眾健康效益;假設當政府採取區域聯合防制政策下,其空氣品質濃度分別可在降低至18.6μg/m^3和15.3μg/m^3,其可避免之死亡或住院人次之總人數分別約為27,566、32,168位,獲得民眾健康效益總效益約19,348.63和22,515.12億元;當排除所有境外傳輸之污染物下,在不同之控制措施組合下,其空氣品質濃度分別可再降低至15.1μg/m^3、14.9μg/m^3和12.7μg/m^3,其結果皆符合政府所預期之空氣品質標準。


空氣品質 PM2.5 控制措施


The global air pollutions had been increasing within the last decade. The exposure under the pollutions causes the booming disease and mortality; therefore, the universal plans to restrain the pollutions have been proposed, and Taiwan also contributes. During the implementation of plans, Taiwan government cannot achieve the goal expected. This study adopts ABaCAS-Taiwan (Air Benefit and Cost and Attainment Assessment System-Taiwan) to evaluate the Air Policies in Southern Taiwan (Kaohsiung-Pingtung area). The system uses the observatory data of 2010 by Taiwan EPA as the baseline scenario assess for predicting the air quality of Kaohsiung and Pingtung of 2020 after adoption of relevant policies. The results indicates the annual mean PM2.5 will be reduced to 43.3μg/m^3 from 50.4μg/m^3in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas. The 7.1μg/m^3 reduction means less death of 6018 human life as well as with more health benefits approximately 5,162.86 billions of NTD. Assumed of when government implement of joint regional policy, that the results indicates in different scheme the annual mean PM2.5 will be reduced to 18.6μg/m^3 from 43.3μg/m^3 and 15.3μg/m^3 from 43.3μg/m^3 in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas. It can means less death of 27,566、32,168 human life as well as with more health benefits approximately 19,348.86、22,515.12 billions of NTD. When exclusion of pollutants under the long range transport at different combinations of control measures. Its air quality will be reduced 15.1μg/m^3, 14.9μg/m^3 and 12.7μg/m^3, that the results are in compliance with air quality standards of achievement government the goal expected.


Air quality PM2.5 Control measure


3. 鄭宇翰,2013,氣候變遷影響臺灣空氣品質之數值模擬研究,長榮大學資訊管理學系碩士論文。
3. 行政環境保護署空氣品質監測網站。
5. 行政環境保護署空氣品質改善維護資訊網。
6. 行政環境保護署空氣品質改善維護資訊網。
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